5. kiddo

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"George?", my boss came towards me when I had entered the hall.
"Sir, I have something to tell you", I walked past him up the stairs to the meeting room. Almost at the top I looked at the confused looking man.
"You coming?", I raised my eyebrows. Quickly he stirred and followed me.


"Okay, so based on your report, he's as good as we expected him to be", the boss looked thinking to the floor after I had told him about earlier with Dream.
"I can handle him", I looked at him with a straight face.
"You maybe think that you can handle him, but I'm still not sure about that. What did you say? He almost killed you?", he raised an eyebrow at me.
"Yeah, but that-", I tried to defend my pride, but got cut off.
"No George, either we will get you teammates or we will have to ask other organisations for help."

"Come on!", I said annoyed in a loud voice.
"George, I won't risk to-"
"He is mine! It's been a big challenge for a long time and I want to enjoy it! It's a lot more fun alone!"
"But George, this isn't fun! This is serious!"
We began yelling at each other.

"I know that! You don't have to tell me that! I work here for 4 years now! I always did a good job and this time it won't be different!", I stared at him with clenched fists.
"George...", my boss sighed, leaning against the wall.
"Okay, let's make a deal. I'm gonna try it again and when I realise that I really have no chances against him, then I will get teammates, okay?", I eventually suggested.
First he exhaled with tensed expression, then looked at me for a second before sighing again.
"Okay. If you want to."

-Time skip-

I got woken up by a whispering voice. I had slept in the organization as I now had a mission where I had to be able to step in at any second.
"What?", I slowly opened my eyes to see the manager of my boss. He stood next to my bed, leaning down to me a bit.
"Dream has been spotted", he whispered.
"What time is it?", I yawned, sitting up.
"3am sir", he looked at his wrist watch.
"The guy has the nerve to do his business at 3am and wake me up with it", I scoffed with a smirk.

"Get ready. The boss is expecting you upstairs in 5 minutes", the manager said.
"Yeah yeah, I'm coming", I waved him off, standing up and walking to the small closet with the manhunt outfit.
When he was gone I changed and brushed my teeth quickly. Then I took my sword that I had taken into the room the night before and went to the armory. This time I took a bow with me. Dream was very good at hand-to-hand combat. So I wanted to test how he felt in ranged combat when he didn't have a ranged weapon.

"George, quickly! We have now lost his signal again! It's amazing how this guy can do it like his body just disappears", my boss ran towards me when I came out of the elevator.
"Yeah, that's something with his aura. This guy can control it pretty well", I said while he accompanied me to the exit.

"Okay George, take this cam with you. We will-", the boss held out a small camera that could be clipped to the belt.
"No", I turned away from him, opening the exit with my handprint.
"What no? George, we need-"
"I said no. I know you can't understand that, but accept it. I'm better than you and I exactly know what to do", I said calmly while stretching my arms.
"George", he seemed slightly angry, "You have to-"
"Trust me", I smirked before entering the elevator that just opened.
"But George! This-", he yelled, but the elevator closed and I got transported up.

I leaned against the steel wall of the elevator and sighed for a moment. I took a deep breath and then let it out again. I got ready to face Dream again. The man who gave me incredible joy in fighting yesterday. The question still flew in my head as to why he hadn't killed me when he got the chance, but eventually decided to stick with the answer that he just wanted to have fun.

The elevator arrived up there and I got out after a hand and eye scan. I stepped onto the green grass and breathed in the fresh air. My sword on my belt, the bow around my chest, and the arrows in their case on my back.

Then I finally made my way. I ran down to the forest and stood behind a tree at the border. I took my bow and arrow out of my quiver and hooked it up. I carefully left my cover and entered the forest. Constantly fully concentrated and looking in all directions, with the bow with the arrow in front of my eyes, I went deeper and deeper into the forest.

'Where are you?', I thought myself with a slight smile. For some reason it made me feel so excited knowing to see Dream.
And there! I hadn't walked 80 paces before I saw him. But not again behind a stone or in wait like last time. He was leaning against a tree, one hand in his pocket, with the other he was playing with a small stone.

"There you finally are", I heard him saying. Without hesitation, knowing he had seen me, I quickly let go of the arrow and shot it. It was fast and would have hit him perfectly, but with an incredible reflex and speed he avoided the arrow that got stuck in the tree trunk.

"Ouh, that was not kind", Dream tilted his head with a smirk, throwing the little stone and catching it again, over and over.
"You're quick", I smirked, grabbing another arrow from my back.
"I knew you would come", Dream smiled before getting into a position. He took the stone firmly in his hand and eventually swung this hand as if he were about to let the stone jump over the water.

The stone flew towards me with incredible speed. I quickly turned to the side and it just missed me.
"Have you missed me?", I grinned, quickly getting back in position, drew the bow and fired another arrow, which Dream also dodged.

"No", he laughed, leaning back against the tree.
"What are you doing here then?", I raised an eyebrow, clamping a new arrow.
"I want to get done with you, so you won't be annoying anymore", Dream said, just looking into the air.
"You won't get rid of me that fast", I walked closer to him with the bow drawn and ready to fire the arrow.

"We will see that kiddo."
"I told you not to call me that", I said with a straight face before firing the arrow. But even though he looked away, he dodged perfectly and my arrow flew past him. Then he slowly turned to me and a big smile formed on his face.
"You mean kiddo?", he provoked.


~1.210 words~

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