26. suspicious

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I put my head on Dream's lap, on which he patted his hands.
"Who cares what marshmallow tastes better", he smiled down at me.
"Well, I do, because how you do it is a crime bro", I frowned.
Dream wheezed, trying not to be too loud.

"Sorry for bro-zoning you", I said afterwards what only caused him to wheeze even more.
"Oh, I'm that funny, huh? At least-", I closed my eyes and wanted to try making him even more laugh, but he placed his hand quickly on my mouth, letting out wheeze after wheeze, trying to breathe.

"Shut up George", he eventually managed to say through laugher.
I licked his hand, thinking he might let go because of it, but he just glanced down at me.
"I had your tongue in my mouth. You think having it on my hand disturbs me?", he raised one eyebrow.
I rolled my eyes, putting my tongue back in.

After he had fully calmed down, he put his hand away from my mouth and leaned back, resting on his arms.
Yawning, I closed my eyes and snuggled closer to him with my head still on his lap.
I could feel a big hand gently stroking through my hair what gave me comfort.

"Please never leave me", I whispered.
"I promise I won't", I heard a smile.

I was so tired, I thought a little sleeping wouldn't be bad, so I sat up, grabbed Dream and softly pushed him down, so he lied with his back on the ground. Then I lay down on him with my stomach and turned my head to the left. I put my hands on him to the right and left of his body.

For a short time he seemed surprised, but he soon put his arms around me and stroked me gently. With my eyes closed, I was about to doze off, but suddenly Dream sat up frightened.
"What?", I asked tiredly, rubbing my eye.
"Shht", he put his hand on my mouth again, "Try to wake up. Quickly."
And then he stood up and ran away.

What had just happened? Confused I looked around and then also noticed the quick footsteps that became louder and louder.

Suddenly a tall body passed the clearing, followed by another one. I listened to the footsteps getting quieter again and after a time back louder.
They were coming back.

Then a man ran towards me. His nose and mouth covered with a cloth. Dark clothes, dark beanie, a large knife in the hand.
I sat on the ground, watching him coming closer and closer. He was fast, but not even close to my speed, let alone Dreams.

As soon as he arrived at my place and saw me standing up, he stretched out his arms to me and ran to my left. Based on his movements, I could say that he was planning to grab me from behind and hold the knife to my throat. However, it didn't look like he wanted to kill me immediately, rather than a hostage-taking or something. As soon as he was behind me, I also saw Sapnap running into the clearing.

When he saw me, he briefly gave me a confused and slightly shocked look, but then concentrated again on the runner.

Annoyed, I turned my head to him and held his arm swinging towards me with ease. When he was frightened by this, he slammed the knife at me from behind. I ducked and threw him forward by his arm. Before he could fall to the ground, I turned his arm so that it was about to break and triggered a scream from the man.

Then I took my knife out of the inner pocket of my jacket and slit his throat slightly. I hadn't cut deep so he could survive it. Nevertheless, some blood splashed out of his throat and he coughed.

"Dead or alive?", I turned my head to Sapnap who just stood in front of me, watching.
"Doesn't matter, dead is better though", he breathed quickly, because of the running probably.
So I held the knife and rammed it into the runner's neck several times from behind and then slashed it open even harder.

The dead body fell to the ground, blood flowing out of it over the dirt and grass.

I even had to do the work for this dumbass. He was capable of fucking nothing. He was useless.
"How long have you chased this guy now?", I asked, giving him a disgusted glance.
"15 minutes maybe", he rested with his hands on his knees, bent forward.
"I thought you're a fast runner. Why are you so bad then?", I frowned, putting my hand on my waist.

"Yeah, I caught him multiple times. He just always managed to trick me", he still tried to catch his breath.
"You're welcome", I rolled my eyes, leaning against a tree.
"Thanks", he responded, didn't sound meant, but whatever.

"What the hell are you doing out here at midnight?", he eventually asked when he could breathe regularly again.
Ouh, fuck...hadn't thought about that.
"Euh....", I looked around, "Making myself some marshmallows." I grabbed the bag with the white cubes.

"At 1am? Out here?", he look at me suspiciously.
"Yeah?", I frowned, "Why not? Am I not allowed to, huh?"
"I mean, yeah, you are, but...it's kinda strange", he pinched his eyes a bit.
"Now go and do your work. Or do you also want me to bring him to the quarters for you?", I tried to distract.

"Alright, I'll go and leave you alone", he raised his hands before going to grab the body. He threw it over his shoulder and grabbed the legs.
"Bye then", he said before turning around and leaving.
"Bye", I said too, sitting back down, trying to act normal.

When he left and I couldn't hear any more footsteps, I looked up and looked for Dream. Everything was clear, why didn't he come back out?
But I refused calling his name when I realized he must have a reason. Was Sapnap still not gone? Would make sense.

I've had the feeling for a long time anyway that he finds me suspicious and is not quite sure what to think about me at the moment.
So I kept acting normal, eating marshmallows and enjoying the silence. I leaned back, lying on the ground and putting my hands behind my head, almost if I were on vacation on a beach.

I just waited for Dream to come back, then everything would be fine. He would come when Sapnap was gone. It was really risky meeting up with him when Sapnap was suspecting me. I didn't know if he specifically thought about Dream and me or just had the feeling that something was wrong with me. I just needed to make sure he wouldn't find out anything about Dream.

After 20 more minutes, he still didn't come back. There was something shady about it, wasn't it?


~1.165 words~

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