15. the same way

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I gently put my hands on his neck and smiled at his lips.
"Will he interrupt us again?", Dream asked, stroking my waist, "Because if he does, I will kill him."
"If you kill him, I will have problems with my job", I said.
"Tell them I killed him and you escaped."
"Yeah, that would be an option....but anyways, Ant hasn't done anything to anyone. He's a good person and doesn't deserve that kind of death yet. And also he-"
"George", Dream interrupted me.

"Why were you trying to kill me then?", he tilted his head a bit.
"Because....", I tried to find words that wouldn't change our current situation, "...Because you are a killer. You did bad things, you killed people, so-"
"So did he", Dream raised one eyebrow, "He killed people too. You think you know him and you think you know me? You think the only thing I am is a bloody killer with no heart and he is innocent and doesn't do bad things at all?"

I never had thought about it like that. I always just killed people that had killed other people. Murderers. Often they also had reasons that were reasons to kill them though, but some of them maybe weren't just.....killers.....
What was Dream? Who was Dream? I hadn't known him at all. He also didn't know me....Did even someone on this earth really know somebody?

"You're right", I breathed slowly.
"I know. I always am", he smirked a bit.
"I wanna get to know you."
"I want to get to know you too, George."
"Can you trust someone you don't even really know?", I eventually asked after a few seconds of silence, looking down slightly.
"I think you can", Dream smiled.

"Why do you think that?"
"Because there are people that you, when you meet them, just know it. Doesn't matter if you already know them or not, you just feel it. That also makes you want to get to know them", he said in a soft voice while exploring my whole face with his eyes.
I was very amazed when I heard this from him.
"Do you know that feeling?", I asked.
"Do you?"
Now we looked into each other's eyes completely expressionless.

"Since I met you I suddenly get to know feelings I never knew I could feel. I always shut myself away and concentrated on important things,....because of....reasons", I eventually broke the silence, "You're confusing me with every new feeling you give me."
"What, you never felt horny before?", Dream giggled.
"No, you jerk. Of course I did. I'm 24, I had a childhood like everyone else...okay, not like everyone else, but I did the dirty things too, you know?", I tried to carefully choose my words.
"The dirty things, aha", he laughed again.

"What I mean", I distracted from the topic, "those other feelings, like....."
I couldn't find examples.
"Like?", Dream raised his eyebrows, "love?"

I froze when he said that word. What should I do now? Say, "Yeah, I think I'm in love with you, even if I have no idea how that feels exactly. I just guess so." and then keep trying to make out with him? I had to kill him once. Everything was always so easy for me. This idiot is ruining everything for me.

"George? Is that the feeling you mean?", he came closer to my face, "Is that what you think to feel for me?"
"I- uh-", is everything I could manage.
He sighed softly and then came even closer. 2 seconds later our lips touched. It was a really gentle kiss. My hands were now on the sides of my body. I had it loosened from Dream's neck when I started getting nervous. His hands, however, were still on my waist and now wrapped around my upper body.

"You don't have to answer", he slowly pulled away and whispered, "but that's what I think to feel for you."
Time stopped. My heart was racing. Dream ... loved me?

While Dream probably waited for a reaction, I just looked into the emptiness.
Slowly he ran his right hand up to my cheek and stroke it.
"You can kill me if you still want that", he eventually said, "but I won't kill you."
"You wouldn't?", I finally spoke again.
"I want to be honest with you", he went on, straightening up and letting go of me, "at first I really tried to distract you with this and then kill you when you couldn't protect yourself....but that held for a few seconds."
He giggled a bit.
"Then I started to have those feelings....the first time our lips touched."

"But I won't lie to you though", he kept going after a short pause, "I found you really attractive the whole time."
"You're really not scared of telling me such things, aren't you?", I quietly giggled.
"No. I think you should know that", he looked at me in a really wholesome way, "so, what about you?"
"You mean what by that?", I raised my eyebrows at him.
"What do you feel? What did you feel the first time you met me? The first time you kissed me", Dream leaned down to me and came close to my face again.

"I am- I can- uh- I wa-...", I just couldn't. I didn't even know what exactly those feelings were, how should I tell? Is was the same problem as earlier.
"I probably should go back to the quarters, so no one notices anything", I eventually said and already tried to walk away from him, but got stopped of course.

"Wait George", he grabbed my arm tightly, "If you don't feel the same way, do whatever you want. I just want you to know that you weakened me more than I should have allowed it. You know that this is not just having fun for me or a game. This is real. I just want to know if it's also real for you."

This day completely changed the mood from one minute to another. And there was one thing that changed even more than that. The feeling I had for Dream. For some reason it got stronger and I didn't want to leave him. But I had to.
"Yes", I looked back to him, "I feel the same way."

With a cute smile he pulled me to him and pressed his lips against mine. Again everything was like slow motion and our movements felt more intense than usual. My arms wrapped around his neck and his hands tight on my waist, pulling me closer to him. I loved him. I didn't care if this could be called the love that others knew, but it was the feeling that was love for me. My love.

When our lips parted again, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, for which I had to stand on tiptoes, and then ran off to the quarters. I didn't have a plan for my future and that was exciting.


~1.169 words~

Omg, I loved writing that chapter. The mood change from the last chapter to this one maybe was because of the music I was hearing here. Don't hear the music while reading the next chapter tho. Doesn't fit for chapter 16.

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