29. treating

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"Dream, let's get out of here finally", I said, continuing to let him kiss my skin.
"Is it far to your house?", he eventually separated his lips from my neck and asked.
"No, why?"
Then he grabbed my legs with one hand and lifted me horizontally onto his arms.

"Dream, what are you doing?", I giggled.
"Getting out of here with you. Just tell me where to go", I heard his voice as we started walking.
As soon as we reached the light, I could see him again. Man, I had missed this view.

"Hey pretty boy", he smiled wholesomely at me what would've made me blush if it wasn't already happening.
"Go left here, then just follow the path and at the first crossing you go left. Then you should see the house already", I said while he followed my description.

While Dream walked the path, holding me in his arms, we were silent and didn't talk.
I snuggled on his chest and could slightly feel his heart beating.
"Don't fall asleep Georgie, okay", Dream eventually said in a deep voice when I closed my eyes.
"Why not?", I looked up at him.
"Because you're not allowed to", he just answered.

"I'm not allowed to?", I raised my eyebrows.
"No", he smirked at me.
"Well, why not?", I again asked.
"Because", he sounded slightly annoyed, I hoped that was just me and he actually wasn't, "I say so George."

When I looked to the direction Dream was walking, I could see my house, being less than 100 metres away from us.
"This one", I pointed at it.
"That's your house?", he suddenly stopped, "Damn, you're rich, aren't you?"
I looked at him as he seemed to analyse every inch of the villa.

"Euh, you wanna go inside or just look at it the whole night?", I got my keys out of my pocket.
(that's what she said. Sorry, sorry, sorry)

He dropped me off and I opened the door. We entered together and I closed it again.
"So, what do you want to do? I don't have snacks or something here if you'd want some. But I can-", I tried to be hospitable, but got cut off.
"Oh, stop lying, of course you have", he looked me up and down with a slight smirk.

I wanted to scream at that expression he made.

I didn't know what to say to that, or in general, so we just stood there, looking at each other. Well, I didn't even look at him. I stared at the ground, refusing to fall for some dirty stuff he was trying.

"Come on George, offer me some snacks", he slowly walked closer.
"Like I said, I don't have-", I wanted to say again, but again got interrupted. This time by him grabbing my waist and pulling me to him. When I turned my head up to look at him, his glance made me melt inside.

He looked like he was about to be very passionate and aggressive with me, but he knew exactly what he was doing and would do incredibly well.

"Let's not hurt your back on a tree trunk today, huh?", he gently ran the fingers of his right hand up my body until he arrived at my chin which he slowly lifted.
When my breathing became heavy and I couldn't take my eyes off his lips, he smirked.
"Want to show me your bedroom Georgie?"

I went up the stairs followed by Dream, right behind me. I just arrived at the door of my bedroom and wanted to open it, there Dream pressed me roughly against it. He grabbed my hands and pressed it on the door to my right and left.

"Are you gonna be a good boy tonight?", he whispered into my ear.
I quickly nodded before he slowly let go of my wrists and opened the doorknob.

As soon as we entered the room, Dream lifted me onto the bed and began to undress. First my shoes, my socks, then my jacket and my shirt. Then he slowly crawled down on me and opened the belt of my jeans.
I leaned my head back, getting horny.

When he had also taken off my jeans and I was only lying on the bed in boxer shorts, he got up and began to undress himself. Shoes, socks, jacket. That went relatively quickly. But then he smirked at me while slowly pulling his shirt over his head and revealing a hot as fuck muscular torso. I was muscular too, I was well built, but this... I was staring at every inch of his naked chest and abs.

Also there were some scares on several spots that I found incredibly hot.
He dropped the shirt to the floor and slowly began to open his belt, smirking.
When he pulled down his pants and now only stood there in boxer shorts, I got an incredibly strange feeling.

I crawled back and sat up. Everything in me contracted and I began to tremble. I was horny as hell-

"Shh, shh shh~", Dream said in a deep voice, getting on the bed and crawling up to me, "Calm down, everything is fine~"
Slowly I relaxed and let him pull me to him by my legs. I lay down again and grabbed the fabric of my mattress covering lightly.

Dream then grabbed my boxer shorts and took them off.
With a smile he went closer to my skin and began kissing my thigh.
He put passion into every single kiss and slowly treated my right inner thigh.

Every time his lips changed spots I grabbed the bed sheet tighter. His kisses went higher and higher until he reached my dick. But he skipped it and moved on to my second thigh.

I leaned my head back and to the side, enjoying the feeling. At some point, his kisses stopped and he briefly licked my skin passionately. When his contact with my legs broke, I looked down at him.

I saw him smile at me first and then look down at my dick. Immediately I knew what was going to happen and grabbed the bed sheet even tighter.


~1.030 words~

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