24. touch me

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I exhaled relieved and loosened my body. I had been so afraid that Dream would show up and be seen by Sapnap. What if everything would've come out?! I would have been as good as dead!...Or we just would have killed Sapnap.

"He's gone I think", Dream sneaked out from behind a tree next to me.
"Thank god you hid", I put my hand on my chest and looked at him with widened eyes.
"Sure, I'm not a noob", he crossed his arms and put his weight on his right leg so that he practically stretched his butt there.
(no idea how to describe that pose, I just hope you know what I mean)

"You look so gay", I pinched my eyes a little bit and watched him with a little smile.
"You're gay!", he straightened up, looking and sounding so offended.
I giggled, looking away slightly.

"So, where were we?", he grinned, biting his lip and coming closer to me.
"You horny bitch", I rolled my eyes with a smile, putting my hands in my pockets.
"Wow, you sure you don't wanna take that back?", he raised one eyebrow.
"Hmm....", I looked up, "....no" I leaned forward and smiled broadly.

"Alright", Dream laughed.
I was expecting him to run up to me and do whatever you might think of, but that's absolutely not what he was doing.

Instead he turned around and slowly walked away.
"Hey, where are you going?", I ran after him, "I'm not done with you!"
"Oh George", he laughed, shaking his head as I walked next to him, "You'll never get it, will you?"
"What?", I frowned, looking up to him while we walked.

"You're a bottom George", Dream roughly stopped and grabbed my face with his hand, "My bottom. You'll never top me. You'll never take my position. I can do with you what I want. You can't. Got it?"
His fingers squeezed my cheeks harder.
With widened eyes I stared at him.

"I asked a question George", he sounded threatening again.
I quickly nodded.
"Good", he smiled pleased with his eyes closed, letting go of me.

For a while it was silent until Dream continued walking and I stayed.
"Your horny bitch is leaving. What will you do now?", I heard him talking.
"Would you stop playing with me?!", I suddenly let out.

He slowly turned around.
All I saw in his eyes was death.
"I am not your toy! You're not-", I stared at the ground with my fists clenched.
"Go on George. What do you have to say?", he came closer, putting his hands in his pockets.

"You might be hot and stuff, but you can't do with me whatever you want to", I looked up at him angrily.
"Oh, is Georgie angry? Is he offended? Is he....mad?", Dream stared into my soul with his head tilted to the side.

"Stop talking like that to me", I said with all my bravery.
"What will you do about it?", he kept staring at me completely expressionless.
"I might kill you", I leaned my head back, raising one eyebrow.
"You will?", his widened eyes came back to normal. Now he made those siren eyes with what he seemed to think I'd fall for it.

"You don't have a weapon either right now. Maybe in a fight without I can beat you", I clenched my teeth, tilting my head slightly and loosening my eyes.
"Go on then. You brave and strong Knight", he straightened up, looking down at me.
For a little while we just stared at each other in his position.

Suddenly he grabbed my neck and pushed me back against a tree.
Not again-

"Can't even move now, but keeps talking and talking, huh?!", he began screaming.
He didn't press so hard this time, but still I couldn't move.

After staring at me again for a few seconds, he suddenly drove his head forward and turned my head to the side with his hand. His lips were pressed on my neck and he began to kiss and kiss. Marks would be created there, at this strength for sure.

His other hand pulled me close to him on my waist. As soon as our bodies touched, he began rubbing his dick against me. It was just the fabric, but still felt good though.
Then his hands let go of me and grabbed my thighs. He lifted me up on him and kept rubbing while I was still pressed on the trunk.

His lips didn't leave my neck and his dick started to make mine harden.
"Dream.....stop", I said quietly, trying not to moan.
He didn't. Of course he didn't. His lips sucked on my skin and this more and more aggressively.

"Do you want me to come or what?!", I eventually did moan when he moved faster.
His cock was not in me, it wasn't even his rare dick that rubbed on me, but it still felt so good.
I grabbed his shoulders tighter, his muscular, broad shoulders and let out another moan.

"You want it in you, don't you? You want me to come right into you", he whispered with his lips on my jawline.
I quickly nodded with my eyes squeezed shut.
"Well then...."

Suddenly he stopped. Didn't even slow down, just roughly stopped. Was he gonna do it now?

But instead he let me down and petted my head with his hand.
"Good boy", he smiled slightly.

He turned around and was just about to leave again.
"W-Wait! Why don't you-", I ran after him.
"Fuck you? Why I don't fuck you? Why I stopped?", he turned his head to me, smirking.

With wide eyes I looked up at him, my gaze literally begged for it.
He leaned down to me.
"Because you still need to learn your position", he smiled before giving me a quick, soft kiss on the forehead.

"I- I know my position!", I swallowed.
"But you only know it when you want to be fucked George. That's not what I mean. You need to know it permanently", Dream straightened back up and gave me another smile.

"Listen, I know that I'm your bottom, okay? I always know that, I just- wanna play around a little. Tease you", I tried to express my thoughts on it.
"Oh, you want to tease me, huh?", he smiled broader, looking in my eyes.

"Yeah, I mean- I also want you to see me as hot and attractive and....just the way I see you", I clenched my teeth, avoiding to look at him.
"Oh George", he sighed with a cute smile, "I don't see you the way you see me. And I never will. But I see you a different way. You are hot and attractive darling. And you're cute as fuck. You're amazing to look at George."

With a beautiful look, he took my chin and held it up slightly.
"And I love the way you see me. Knowing that I can do all those things to you....knowing that you want me and let me do those things to you.....knowing I'm able to make you feel such stuff,.....George, hell, I love you. I would fuck you all day long, all night long, I would love to fuck you until you faint", he looked into my eyes in the most passionate and lovely way I had ever seen.

We looked at each other and it felt like for hours. Then I grabbed his face and pulled him to me. I pressed my lips on his and began to open and close my mouth. Dream straightened up, leaning his head down to me and holding me tight by my waist. His tongue entered my mouth and played with mine.

We kissed harder and harder, more passionate every second of it. We pressed us against each other tighter and tighter and I couldn't even tell if this was reality or not.
Fucking was nice, but this was....ugh~


~1.328 words~

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