6. Close

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"Dream, better not provoke me", I hooped another arrow while trying to figure out how to hit him with it.
"You know my name?", I saw his lips slightly smirking.
"You wanna know mine too?", I tilted my head with raised eyebrows and a little smile.
"Nah, I'll stay with kiddo", he grinned.

"I wouldn't have told you anyway. Even if it wouldn't matter because you're gonna be dead any minute", I said slowly walking around with the bow and arrow clamped in it.
"I don't think so", he slightly giggled, his gaze following me.
"I wonder what's behind that mask", I kept on trying to distract him. I just needed one moment where he was not looking.
"What do you think is behind it?", his head tilted again.
"Soon a face of a dead body", I smiled.

"Ouh kiddo", he laughed, looking down to the ground and shaking his head. Finally.
I ran a few steps to the left and fired. I knew he was going to dodge, so I shot a little beside him. But it did definitely not go as I expected it to. He caught the arrow! With his bare hand! I was impressed.
"Stop trying little man", Dream laughed.
"You're literally so annoying", I rolled my eyes before laying the bow and the quiver with the arrows on the ground in a bush.

I couldn't do much against him with that, so I decided to go back to hand-to-hand combat. I took my sword out of its holder and started swinging it in circles.
"Gave up on the bow?", he giggled leaning his head on the tree.
I tilted my head left and right and rolled my shoulders to loosen up.
"No talking? Good", Dream said straightening up and reaching behind his back. He took out the big axe and looked at me smirking with it.

Then I went up to him and he came towards me. We looked at each other, both with our weapons in hand. Then Dream took the first step and ran towards me with a swinging axe. I fought it off with my sword to the side and tried a punch, but he was able to dodge too quickly for that.
No sooner had I reached out for a swing than I saw his axe over my head and had to give up the attack. As fast as I could I rolled to the side and was able to escape death.

Then he laughed and looked at me with a smile.
"What?", I raised an eyebrow while slowly standing up.
"I got you again kiddo", Dream smiled broadly. What? I looked down at myself and eventually saw a bloody scratch on my left upper arm. It wasn't serious and it didn't hurt badly, but he had hit me, he was right.

"That's nothing", I said getting back in position.
"Ouh baby boy, you're so tough, right?", he smirked while leaning down as if he would talk to a child.
"Baby boy? What will be next? Honey?", I giggled ironically.
"You wish kiddo", Dream scoffed straightening back up.
God, those nicknames were annoying on a different level.

Without hesitation, he swung his axe at me again. This time I ducked quickly and lay flat on the floor. As soon as I wanted to get up again, I saw how he walked to me and stood over me. Then he knelt down and pushed me down with one hand. Damn, where did this guy get all that strength from ?!

He leaned forward, released his hand from my back and pulled my head back with it. He put his axe on my throat and stroked it minimally, maybe a few millimeters along it. It was enough for a small, bloody cut.

"Any last words?", I heard him smirking.
"Yes", I acted afraid. Then I grabbed the sword lying next to me with my left hand, which Dream had clearly overlooked, and swung it up. I hit his back with it and felt it tear open his shirt and leave a wound in his skin.

He groaned slightly and before he could slit my neck open with his axe, I grabbed his arm with my right hand, pulled the axe away from me and rolled forward. Close, very close.
"Guess those aren't my last words anymore", I played it cool, pretending as if I didn't just had escaped something that I actually was really close to dying.
"You're annoying", he stood up while keeping his gaze at the ground.
"And now?", I grabbed my sword tightly, getting ready for a brutal attack from him.

Without another word he rushed towards me, but I dodged to the side. This time, however, I decided not to continue as usual, but turned and jumped onto his back. I wrapped an arm around his neck and squeezed. Before he had a chance to throw me off again or hurt me, I also wrapped the other arm that was holding the sword around him. First, I held onto his neck and pushed my legs off. Then I kicked his back with my knees and wrapped them around his waist again. Dream was made to fall.

He let go of the ax and propped himself up on the ground with his hands. When we were lying down, I grabbed his arms and pressed them to the sides. Did I do it? That couldn't have been ... why didn't he defend himself? Did he have a chance to? As if it could be that simple ...

Just going on, I pressed him to the ground with all of my body. Then I rested my head on his right shoulder next to his head, which was turned to the right, so to me and smirked.
"Is it that?", I said.
He just giggled creepily.
"Any last words?", I smirked, continuing to press him down.
Still no answer, just another laugh.

Then I looked to my left, where the sword was only minimally under my hand, which was holding Dream's arm, and thought carefully.
I had to grab it quickly and ram it in his back. Or would it be smarter to slit his neck? ....

"George", I said calmly laying my head back next to his. His laughter and smile stopped. Now he just looked at me.
"My name is George", I said again, with a straight face. Then I grabbed the sword, sat up and rammed the sword into Dream's back. Wait, no.... I didn't.

Dream had pushed his arms up, pushed himself up with them, pushed me over, turned and leaned on me. My sword was thrown several meters to the side.
"You really thought it would be that easy?"


~1.121 words~

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