19. horny

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Slowly I felt Dream putting his hands on my hip. He didn't pull me down, he just put them on me.

"So, there's no one with you? You have not your usual clothes on. You're not here for work I assume?", he suddenly broke the silence.
"There's no one here searching for me, don't worry", I said, not changing my facial expression.

He just nodded to that, continuing to look at me like before. He seemed like he would just enjoy the view I gave him. I wanted him to suffer. Just for some reason I didn't really know. He always had the psychical control over me, I just wanted to change that a bit. Even if it was for only a few seconds.

So I went a little closer to his lips with mine and looked at them. I hoped I could give him this weak and passionate feeling, suppressing the fact that I had it.

My arms were resting on the ground next to his head, propping me up with my elbows.
"Come on", he said quietly, smiling.
I just smiled at it in a hot, evil way. At least I tried so and hoped it worked.

"George", he breathed in an obviously tortured tone. I had him where I wanted him.
"What do you want, huh?", I smirked.
"You", he laughed in a hot way.
That was when he tried to lift his head up to mine, but I put my hand on his forehead and pushed him down by that. I bet he felt like a bottom now and it was pretty hot to look at him like that.

The hands that were at my waist all the time now pulled me down and our bodies touched. But I still refused to lean my head in.
"Come on, what are you doing George", Dream said, without a smile now and staring at my lips.

Again, I came a bit closer, but stopped really really closely in front of his lips. I could see the torture in his eyes. He wanted to kiss me so bad. I wanted that too though! But I wanted to have a bit fun before that.

His hands suddenly squeezed my waist.
Now, I myself couldn't hold it anymore. I pushed my head down and our lips got pressed on each other. I put my hand on Dreams neck and began kissing him the most passionate I had ever done.

We eventually included our tongues in the kisses and I wanted more and more of him.
His hands pressed me tighter and tighter against him and I did the same thing with his neck and head.

Suddenly I felt Dream taking his strength and sitting up, together with me. Now I sat on his lap while he sat cross-legged.
His hand now rested on my butt and pushed it on him. I could feel his hard dick under me and couldn't do anything against a bright as hell blush.

However, this was probably the most amazing and passionate kiss I had ever had and it felt so awesome, I wanted to make out with him harder and harder, even if it wasn't possible to go harder.

Now I finally arrived at my horny point and pressed myself against him strongly, moving forth and back on his lap. Quickly pulling away from the kiss to take a deep breath, I quietly moaned slightly before going back to his lips.

There he grabbed me tightly and stood up with me in his arms.
As soon as we stood, I was already pressed against a tree. I was so horny, I wanted him to put his dick into me. Now.

I pulled away and looked at him, trying to show him my thoughts. He understood and began opening my jeans. How should I get my pants off now? So Dream dropped me off and quickly I took it off. The jeans wasn't tight and I was able to get it over my shoes. As soon as I turned back to Dream and just wanted to go back to a kiss, I saw him staring down at me which made me blush immensely. Then he smiled broadly at me and took me up in his arms again.

He finally opened the zipper and button of his pants and pulled them down a bit so that his dick stood out.
I breathed heavily, I never had had sex with a man before and was nervous as hell. But I still was horny af and wanted Dream to fuck me.

(God, this is such an honest thought XD)

The next thing that happened was Dream pressing his lips back on mine while I grabbed the tree trunk behind me. His hands held me up by my thighs.

Eventually he grabbed his cock and let it touch my hole. He pulled his lips away and looked in my eyes.
"Ready?", he whispered.
"Go on. Put it in", I breathed, holding on tight on the trunk.

And then it got pushed inside me. I whined a bit at the pain that first got over me.
Dream tried to be careful and began pushing it really slowly deeper in.
He put his forehead on mine, stroking my thigh with his thumb slowly what calmed me a little bit.
With squeezed eyes I felt his dick slowly getting pushed in and out, again and again.

It was painful at first, yes, but with the time it got better and better and eventually started to feel good. I guess Dream could see that on my facial expression and began going faster.

Suddenly his cock hit a specific spot inside me what caused me to moan loudly. When Dream noticed what he had found, he smirked and got even faster.

I leaned my head to the side and back, letting out moan after moan. My arms supported me on the tree trunk, but they started getting weaker and weaker.
Dream probably noticed the slight shaking in them and put one of his hands on my waist, giving me the support, so I could take my hands of the trunk.

The free hands I had now, I used for getting more playful. So while he pushed in and out over and over, I grabbed his neck and began kissing it. I couldn't do that for long though, because he again managed to hit my spot again and I let out a loud moan.

I squeezed my eyes while that and when I opened them again, I could see Dream biting his lip, pinching his eyes.
I put my hand on his cheek and ran my thumb along his bottom lip. His eyes opened and we looked at each other in passion while he fucked me to heaven.

"Dream~!", I eventually groaned loudly.
Telling him that I was about to cum, he went even faster.
Dreams one hand was still on my hip, supporting me to stay on him. His other hand now went to my dick and began rubbing it. I literally felt like in heaven. This was the best feeling I had ever had. I wanted more and more of it.
'Please don't stop~', went through my head.

A few seconds later I came over myself, letting out a moan, so loud, I think it could be heard over the whole forest.

I didn't want Dream to stop what he also didn't do. He kept going and going and not any more longer, then he came too. Right inside me. I moaned at that feeling.

Still, I wanted more of it, I wanted this feeling not to leave. Dream though slowed down. I stared at him with a begging expression, but he just smiled and kissed me lovely. The kiss held long and was pretty passionate, but I couldn't handle that his dick was about to leave me.

Eventually he pulled it out and I whined at the loss.

"We have to do that again some day", Dream smirked, leaning his forehead on mine.
"Yes please", I closed my eyes, breathing heavily.
He gently caressed my thigh with one hand while smiling with a, to me looking, happy expression.

I leaned my head forward again, pressing my lips on his one more time. Then he let me down and cupped my face softly.
I put my hands on his chest and grabbed the fabric of his shirt, pulling him closer to me. I had to look up now again and pulled him a bit down to me.

"Put your pants back one, hot man", Dream pulled away, smiling.


~1.435 words~

Gosh, I just got so horny. I need more than touching grass. I fcking listened 'Raging on a sunday' by Bohnes half of this chapter. Really good song! Go listen to it! Istg. I want sex, okay. I want sex. Now.

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