9. teammates

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"George, what happened?", the boss ran towards me when I entered the quarters.
"This is messed up!", I yelled while walking over to the stairs.
"George, what is up?! Report! George!", he yelled after me following me.
"Calm down, I'll tell you. Get two of your best hunters and then come with them to the meeting room", I continued walking up the stairs.

I sat on the long silver bench in the meeting room and thought. Or rather overthought.
'Did I need teammates? – Yes, sadly I did, because Dream was playing and he did that really well. That was something I would never admit to myself, but Dream made me weaker and I absolutely hated that feeling. – But I'm better alone... -That might be my opinion, but maybe together with the two best hunters -below me of course- we may even be better if no one does a stupid "team decision"-Otherwise it actually was fun how Dream and I played.....'

I was torn from my thoughts and quickly got up when I saw the boss with 2 men, I guessed my age, standing behind him in front of me.
"So, talk please", he looked at me with crossed arms.
"Listen. Following thing....", I walked over to the big table where also the other three men came standing around, "Dream is a damn good fighter. I thought I could hunt him down alone, but....."

I stopped for a second, because that was nothing what the George I knew would say.
"...But I can't. But that's not the only reason I'm asking for help."
I had to explain the reason in a different way and very carefully, because not even myself wanted to know the real true reason.
"He's really manipulative and playfully. He knows exactly what he's doing and is pretty good at everything he's able to do", I began while the three listened to me with no expression in their faces, "Also, I've managed to break his mask. He said he was able to make a new one, so I don't know if that brought us something. But I know his face, what is indeed a help."

"Will you be such an asshole then too or can we work together finally?", one of the two hunters asked with a slightly pissed expression. He had black hair that laid over a white bandana, the regular black manhunt outfit, but with a white belt around his waist. He looked pretty fancy to be honest, but this wasn't a fashion studio, but an organisation for hunters to kill murderers.
"What's your problem now? I'm just trying to-", I wanted to go on, but cut off by the same guy.

"George, right? So George....if you want to make a team and defeat Dream as a team, then we should act like one", he put a terrible annoying expression on the word team.
"You're...?", I raised an eyebrow.
"Call me Sapnap. If you want to earn my respect and trust, what you need in a team George, then you should stop acting so boastful and ridiculous", he responded.
"Whatever you say Sapnap", I rolled my eyes. I did not care about what that guy said.

"I know you never did that in a team, but you know, I did. And if you continue acting like that, the team won't work well", Sapnap leaned over the table to me.
"Okay, chill for a minute Sap. Let's let him tell us a few things about Dream and everything, then you can argue about teamwork", the other guy put his hand on Sapnaps shoulder and pulled him slightly back.
"I'm Ant by the way. You can go on George", he looked at me expressionless.

"Okay, so", I puffed briefly, simply because this Sapnap annoyed me incredibly, "he's an axe fighter. He has a really good fighting style and can handle every movement you use on him. He's about 6'3 I'd say and pretty strong. He's fast, has a very good reflex and moves his axe and arms brilliantly good. He just stops fighting when he stops feeling like it and just has no more desire. In a normal fight you'd die to him. His strategy is amazing and it seems like he would be able to do every attack and block every attack. He's also clever and doesn't let anyone come closer to him than he wants. There's also his aura which I just cannot figure out. It's so strong and weird and I-"

"Wow, had never thought that YOU would be so impressed about someone", Sapnap eventually interrupted me. I slowly looked over to him with the willing to kill someone in my eyes.
"Do you think he's better than you?", he smirked.
"Yes, he is Sap. Nap", I clenched my teeth.
"Never would've thought to hear that from you....yeah, go on Georgie", he smiled playfully.
I wanted to literally wrap my hands around that guys neck and choke him to his death, but that unfortunately was against the rules.

But also when Sapnap said that Dream was better than me my brain remembered the moment when Dream wanted to end the fight and got his axe from me by holding me by my waist and coming close to me. That guy wasn't just better than me, he was better AND was able to manipulate me to be weaker.

"Anyways, that guy is very good, so we have to be careful", I finally ended my talk.
"And by "we" you mean...?", Sapnap raised his eyebrows while putting his hands in the pockets of his pants.
"Us Sapnap. You, me and....Ant was it?"
"Yeah", Ant pressed his lips together with a sight.
"So you want to work in a team?", Sapnap kept on provoking.
"I AM-", I just was about to freak out, but could stop myself, "....I....want....to work in a team with you both and I don't know why you have to be such an asshole at the moment." I blinked at him.

"Okay guys, enough fighting", the boss finally stepped in, "According to our previous statistics, Dream comes back a day after he pulled back, so you'll have time until tomorrow when he will be there again."
"Have you tried to find him? Like, searched in the woods for a hiding place from him? Maybe a little hut or...I don't know, something else?", Ant asked.
"Yes we did, but the forest is very huge and it's not that easy to find something like that in such a big place. We're just waiting for him to come out", the boss said.

"Well, we should try to come to him. Like, when he's not expecting it. We have to play with him, not he with us", Ant looked at me now.
"And how do you want to do that when you don't know where he lives?", I raised one eyebrow with crossed arms.
"Uh....", Ant went, "...good question....."

"Let's focus on the fighting. When we're doing it good enough in this team, we'll might be able to get him", I said.
"Finally we're thinking the same thing", Sapnap gave me a sharp gaze.
"Ouh, do we?"


~1.189 words~

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