14. Interrupted

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"You're really handsome, you know?", I smiled, letting go of the knife.
"What?", Dreams expression got confused.

"Yeah, you- you're really good looking", I smirked while slowly looking him up and down.
"I am you say?", he smirked back, but I wanted it to be my turn now.
"Dream", I eventually turned around and walked a bit away from him, "You asked if you make me horny, right?"
Before he was able to answer anything I quickly turned back to him and pressed my hand on the tree next to his chest.

I was much shorter than him what would have made it look weird if I would've put the hand beside his head. I wanted to represent myself taller even if I wasn't. What was in his mind mattered.
"What about me, huh?", I tilted my head with a seductive smile, "Do I make you horn-"
But there something happened that I absolutely hadn't expected.
"Yes George", Dream leaned forward to me and interrupted me.


With a slight blush on my cheeks I kept starring at him speechless.
For a while there was silence between us both.
Dream broke it with a volatile and soft kiss on my lips.
"You do, Georgie", he gently bit his bottom lip.
"So....", I tried to stay in my role, "when I do this....", I slowly ran my hand down his body.

"How do you feel, huh?", I asked when it reached his 'private area'.
"Depends on what you're planning on doing next", he looked me deeply into the eyes.
"What do you want me to do next?", I swallowed.
"Well", he chuckled briefly and then continued holding that mood between us.

He ran his hand down to mine that now was on his dick what I hadn't really thought of well enough because now I didn't know how to go on.
"When you....", Dream said in a sexy deep voice while taking my hand and beginning to rub it on the fabric of his trousers.
Then his other hand cupped my cheek and pulled my head to his before pressing our lips together.

While my hand was still rubbing his dick, I suddenly felt it getting hard.
So I indeed made him horny....what did he want now?...
The only problem....besides completely overwhelming with this situation....was that this made me horny too, to be honest.
I didn't know how to handle now, things like that never happened to me.

Suddenly my body started to want more and I couldn't control it. Completely on its own -not that I didn't want it- it pressed me closer to Dream.
Then Dream took my hands, of which the one was still on his cock, and turned us so I was pressed against the tree again.

His right hand grabbed my thigh, held it up beside him and pressed us against each other.
"George", he suddenly stopped and pulled away.
"Shut up", I said, pressed his lips back on mine and made the kisses even more intense.
"No George, shht", Dream pulled away again, pressed me against the tree and put his hand on my mouth. Now I understood.

Carefully he looked to the side and then quickly leaned back to me.
"Your friend's here", he whispered with a not really excited face.
"Ant? Why is he here? I told him to-....uchhhhh", I whispered annoyed.
"Should I kill him?", Dreams facial expression changed to an excited one now.
"No!", I looked angrily at him.
"Alright", he rolled his eyes, "Then? Now what?" He raised his eyebrows at me.

"He can't know anything."
"So you wanna pretend fighting?"
"Yes", I looked up at him, our horny mood fully gone.
There he suddenly pulled out his axe in an intense speed and swung it to me. I was distracted and didn't expect it, so I would have ducked too late, but Dream never swung all the way. He stopped shortly before my neck.

"Fuck you", I giggled, pushing him away from me and pulling out my sword.
We started crossing our blades what got Ants attention.
"George!", he screamed and ran with his sword over to us.
"Ant!", I acted facilitated.
Actually, if I thought about it afterwards now, it was really stupid from him to scream. What if Dream hadn't noticed him? He would've destroyed the moment of surprise. How dumb. At least he was not such a bad fighter, otherwise I would have questioned his position as one of the best hunters.

"His face!", Ant yelled when he got to us, "Have you got a camera with you?!"
"No!", I yelled back while fighting Dream. I hadn't thought of that. Dream hadn't have his mask on and Ant could see him.

Then Ant joined the fight and Dream 1v2ed us. It was easy for him obviously since I didn't really try to kill him anymore.
Suddenly Ant fought stronger and stronger and Dream, with the trust that I wouldn't kill him, turned fully to him and literally destroyed him what I found extremely attractive.

"George! Help me! What are you doing?!", Ant yelled when I didn't do anything, just standing behind Dream.
So out of reflex I grabbed Dreams shoulder, pulled him to me, swung my arm around him and held my sword to his throat. Dream didn't move for a short second and Ant just wanted to ram his sword in Dreams stomach, there Dream grabbed my arm, leaned forward and threw me over his back on Ant.

To be sure that Ants sword wouldn't hit me Dream hit it to the side while throwing me, so at least I thought so what was really cute.
"Come on. I just warmed up boys", he tilted his head, looking down to us laying on the ground.

"George", Ant whined, pressing his hand onto the spot where he got hit earlier this morning in the other fight.
"Okay, listen. That's what I was talking about. You're injured", I whispered quickly to him, "I try to run and lead him away while you fucking go back to the quarters, okay? You gotta heal mate."

Without waiting for a response I stood up and started running.
"Come on Dream! Hunt me if you can!", I yelled. Without hesitation he did so.
I really ran as fast as I could for quite a while and when I was sure Ant wouldn't see us anymore, I slowed down a bit.

Less than 2 seconds later I felt a strong arm wrapping around my waist from behind.
I giggled quietly while stopping to run. The arm lifted me up a bit and I felt a soft kiss on my cheek.
"Oh, so sorry. I think I'll have to kill you if you don't run fast enough little boy", the voice of that body said.
"Oh, shit. What a pity, isn't it?", I turned my head to Dream.

After a short while of smiling at me cutely he bit his lip again.
"So, where were we?"


~1.163 words~

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