Chapter 4- Trouble

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Y/n pov
I felt some thing cold pour on my head.
I saw a girl few girls behind her

Y/n "what do you want" I asked her controlling my anger

??? Girl- stay away from my oppa

I didn't even know who she was talking about
Y/n- who the fuck is your oppa

??? Girl- the one who you propesly bumped into this morning you slut

Y/n- first I do not know who your oppa is second I do not give a fuck about him

I got up took my coffee and left the cafeteria not wanting to create a bigger seen I am pretty sure all the people in the cafeteria saw what happened. There were still 20 minutes left for lunch I found a way that lead to the roof top that was peaceful
I sat on the bench there

Bts pov
We came into the cafeteria and as usual all the girls screaming our name we went to our table
Namjoon- dad called us home early today

Rest of them- okay

Junkook- dose anyone know the new girl that came she bumped into me this morning

Jimin- there is a new girl

Just then we heard a girl scream it was jennie bullying another girl it was the new girl

Hoseok - whaaa I never saw a girl go against her I think that was the new girl

Junkook- she was the one that bumped into me I am gonna teach her a lesson

Jin- yah leave her she is new she dose not know us

Junkook- I am just tell her who is in charge here

Namjoon- do whatever you want to do but do it quick remember dad called us early it must be important

Junkook- ok

Time skip after school

Y/n pov
The last class got over I went to my locker and put the last books and I was about to leave the school when someone pinned me to the wall the person was one of the seven boy in the cafeteria I don't even know the boy

Athours pov

As y/n was pinned to the wall

Y/n- "what do you want I already apologised for what happend in the morning"

Junkook- I do not think an apology will be enough

Y/n- you want to beat me up?

Junkook- hmm you're smart yes

Y/n- okay

Athours pov
Junkook started to hit her mercilessly until

Y/n pov

He was hitting me honestly I was so used to the pain but my body went numb until one of his brother or friend came to take him

????- you are lucky I have other work. see ya tomorrow

????- yahhhh Junkook let's go home

So his name is Junkook

Junkook- hmm coming bye

He left I got up went to the bathroom treated my wounds took a pain killer
And left school to the coffee shop

To be continued.........

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