Chapter 29- Kimbap

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guess whose back!!!

don't be a silent reader 

also how is your day going?!!!

BTS Pov (except Jungkook)

As we were going to head out to the place where the jerk is kept, just as we were going to leave Jin Hyung got a call he picked up and said "Yes" "who are you" we were confused, we could see him go red because of anger "Alright" he said with his teeth gritted he ended the call threw the phone and ran his hands through his hair Namjoon asked "Hyung who was it?" He replied "that son of a bitch lee and it turned out that jerk who forced him on do Yun is his son and his name is Sung-ho lee sung ho and they've filled a case on do Yun and they will be a court case" he sighed "yah Hyung why is he dragging Do Yun into this his fight is with us," said Jimin "To put us down obviously and he'll probably blackmail us with this since he knows Do Yun's existence and the fact that she is our sister if we do nothing about this her life will be in danger," said Hoseok calmly "Namjoon call the guards with who have that jerk and tell them to inject him with  Rohypnol (a drug that basically gives you short term memory loss) and leave him near some club we have to come with with a proper plan," Jin said he nodded "let's go to the company"

Jungkook's pov

I went towards Do Yun's room I was really angry but I wanted to be there for her, now I know why she was crying during lunch I felt my heart clench I don't know why no human deserves this kind of treatment I wanted to kill the person who did that to her but I couldn't but I am sure hyung's will I wanted to go but I want to be there for her cause that is more important and I wanted to be an amazing older brother again and most importantly I didn't want to fail this time.

Do Yun's pov

 I was in my room after the meeting with jin Hyung and the others I am convinced they'll probably will be disgusted and will hate me more than before. I was on my bed staring at the white ceiling and the only thing running through my mind was one question 'Why' 'What' and 'When' why does this happen to me? and What did I do to deserve this? silent tears flowing, when will this end when will my misery end? these were the questions that were going through my head. maybe ill always be like this. those thoughts made me curl up in a ball a hide from the harsh reality knowing ill have to come to terms with it but right now I didn't need any of that, I was being weak and I didn't want to be weak I didn't want anyone to see me as weak and vulnerable but there's nothing much I can do. why does the universe hate me? 

after some time the tears had dried up and it left an unpleasant feeling on my face which  didn't like so I got up to wash my face I went to the sink in the bathroom and washed my face, I didn't know what to do I really fucked up what if mother hears about this she didn't care before hopefully she doesn't care now cause shell for sure disown me tsk not that I care, should have not have hit the jerk he did deserve it and saw it coming also it was his fault,

my train of thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door I wonder who it was the door opened revealing Jungkook Hyung did I do something wrong? he came in the room and asked "how you doing yeodongsaeng" (younger sister in Korean) his tone was soft like the way he talked to me during lunch it felt nice  oo he is checking up on me I replied "i-i don't know to say the least" I sighed he hummed and said "it's alright to feel that way, after all, we are humans and we have emotions" I nooded "yes that's true" he came closer to me and said "are you hungry?" before i could reply my stomach growled and he laughed "looks like i got my answer" and i smiled sheepishly i heard him mumbel something that i couldn't quite get  "come lets get you some food" he said and started walking out of the room 

i followed him like a lost kid i was yet to familiarize myself with the surrounding, we went to the kitchen and i saw him looking into the fridge he removed a few items was he gonna cook? did he know how to cook? "are you gonna cook?" I asked he looked at me "yes, I know how to cook basic stuff sometimes I do cook that's really rare tho but most of the time it's the chefs or jin Hyung cooking," he said "ahh so are you good at it" I asked "umm you can be the judge of that" he laughed a little he looked cute " by the way do you know how to cook?" he asked "hm I do cook the utmost basic stuff I am not really good at it I am sure someone could die if they ate my food I almost burned the kitchen down once but it was something new" I said "haha it cant be that bad dont worry ill be the judge of that" he laughed and said I smiled at the memory it was when I was cooking with appa he used to cook for me and one day I wanted to do it myself and surprise him well that didn't go as planned "you look cute when you smile you should smile more" I heard him say I didn't like my smile one bit I was always criticized for it "don't lie I don't look 'cute' " I said "I don't lie and ill say it a hundred times you look cute" he said I sighed.

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