Chapter 35- Bonding?

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Hii it's been a while as you may have noticed the change of the book name, I hope you guys like it!

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Also question of the chapter "Whose your bias?" 

Authors pov

The two cars stopped at the entrance of the mall. The two pairs exited the car and walked into the mall. "Alright, what do y'all want to do?" asked Jimin, "um, how about the arcade? " Said Jungkook "yea it's been a long time since we've been there" "alright let's go there" they all walked to the arcade.

They entered the arcade and played air hockey first. The first ones to play were Jungkook and Jimin and Jungkook won "yah you cheated" accused Jimin "ani you're just bad at it" and they all except Jimin laughed "It's not funny anyway it's Do Yun and Taehyung's turn."

And then Do Yun and Taehyung played well. That ended in a tie. "Yah Hyung, let's go there" 

As the three brothers were together, Do yun wandered off to the other side of the arcade as she was looking she came across a specific claw machine that caught her attention she reached into her pocket to see if she had spare change and she did. 

She went towards the claw machine put the required coins in and started playing, but luck wasn't one her side but determined do yun didn't give up well until she lost all the coins she had, and went back to exploring the arcade or find her brothers. As she was wandering she heard a voice from behind "ah there you are where were you" it was Jimin "ah Hyung i was at the claw machines" Do yun said "alright Jungkook was finding you let's go" he said and I followed him.

We reached were the others were "yah do yun where were you don't wander off like that" he said waking towards me "yea where were you anyway" said Taehyung getting up from the chair damn they are fucking tall thought do yun to herself  "sorry Hyung and I went was playing at the claw machine but then i was out of coins" she said with a shrug "did you win anything?" asked Taehyung "well clearly not dumbass" said Jimin to Taehyung who rolled his eyes and had a slight pout on his face "hey I have spare change in my pocket let go back to the claw machines"  said Jungkook "I guess I have some too" said Jimin "well I don't have any but imma use my card to transfer into coins" Taehyung said walking towards the atm near them and switch it up for tons of coins, "you know that may be the smartest thing you've done today tae" said Jimin they all bust into laughter except Taehyung "gee thanks chim" tae said sarcastically, they headed to the claw machines  

and with that they started playing well there was no luck until "come on come on come on yesssss" it was Jungkook "i wonn" it was a bunny plushie he hugged it "haha you won a version of yourself" Do yun said "hyunggg tell her to stop teasing me" he wined "I mean she is right" said Taehyung "yea little bunny jungkookie" said do yun "hahaha it rhymes" said Jimin, Jungkook listening to all of it with the biggest pout on his face 

"come onnn almost there" said do yun as she played, and she grabbed it with the claw and bam it fell into the box "YESS i got itt" she screamed the others chucked at her excitement "what'd you win" it was a cat plushie "ayy that's cute" said Jimin "yea too cute to be her" said Jungkook Do yun rolled her eyes and looked at the plushie in front of her "hmm why does this cat look like yoongi Hyung" she said the others looked and saw the resemblance "your right" Jimin said "the more I look at it the more I see him" said Taehyung " I know right the cat looks as grumpy as him its scary" said Jungkook. 

And after a hundred more tries, Jimin and Taehyung won their own plushies, Jimin won a cute but odd looking chick and Taehyung won a baby tiger. After the long claw machine session, they decided to go shopping for clothes. 

  "Chim let's go to Gucci" said Taehyung (aka Gucci boy) "you guys wanna go" he asked do yun and Jungkook "sure I don't mind" said Jungkook "me neither" said do yun "and we gotta get yun clothes" said Jungkook "said who I don't need new clothes"  argued do yun "oh because Jin Hyung said" told Jimin "and your fashion sense sucks" said Taehyung "hey I don't dress that bad" said do yun "yea whatever makes you sleep at night" said Taehyung "your mean" she said with a small pout "I know now let's go to the store".

They walked entered Gucci, they got a few things that Taehyung wanted and then decided to go to Celine "alright pick out what you want Do yun" said Jimin she nodded and went browsing clothes never interested her she just picked up a few dark-colored sweatshirt and sweatpants and went back to them "you done already" Jimin said surprised "what'd did you pick out" I showed him what i picked out he was shocked "and I thought you were bad at this you are terrible at it" Taehyung said "ahh Hyung I can't do this they are just clothes and if you think its easy why don't you do it" she wined "tsk fine imma pick out stuff for you try them in the fitting room" he said "ugh no more clothes Hyung" faked cried do yun "aish do you want me to help you" "fine" she sulked 

and with that she had to wear hundreds of pairs of clothes, and it went kinda like this, do yun wore the first outfit and came out "nah it's kinda tight" said Jimin "next" shouted Taehyung do yun grumbled but still went to change into the next outfit and that's how it went "nope it doesn't suite her" or "nah it's too reveling", "its too short" or its too big" yup that's how it went for a while "oh my god Hyung just choose a few" Do yun said being done with their bullshit 

After hours of torture as do yun quotes they end up buying a lot of clothes "ahh that made me hungry" said Jungkook "you didn't even wear a hundred pairs of clothes" grumbled Do yun "oh yea we still have to grab few pairs of shoes for her" said Jimin "ugh and the torture continues" she said in a low voice "what'd you say do yun?" Taehyung looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "ah n-nothing" 

They went to Nike as Jungkook told them that they have good shoes "alright take your pick" said Jimin "Hyung can I get a pair too?" asked Jungkook "sure just make it fast" Jungkook went to do yun and said "hey wanna get matching shoes?" he asked "sure we can match" they asked the workers there for matching shoes, and they were shown a variety, and they picked a light blue with dark blue and some black on it, and do yun got black chunky shoes for herself. 

They got what they wanted, and then they decided to get some food as they were hungry they went to MacDonald's and ordered fries and burgers and as they were eating Taehyung got a call it was from Hoseok he asked them where they were, and they said that they were going to finish eating a leave and that's what they did 

they left the mall with all the bags they had, and it already was dark, and went to their respective cars and headed home. As they reach home they are greeted with the others in the living room "looks like someone had fun" hoseok said "Hyung we had fun we went to the arcade and played a lot of games and I won a bunny on the claw machine, and then we went shopping and then me and yun got matching shoes" rambled Jungkook "wow someone really had fun" said namjoon as he ruffled Jungkook's hair. They all sat on the living room couch, they asked the maids to take all the bags to do yun's room. As they all were talking do yun got up and said "Hyungs imma go sleep i am very tired" she said as she yawned "alright good night" said seokjin "sleep well" said namjoon, and she went to her room she changed into her pajamas and dozed off to dreamland after the long day she had with a smile on her face.

to be continued.........................

these are the shoes

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