Chapter 8 Meeting

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Chapter 8

Y/n pov

I was doing my homework while my "mother" called me I went downstairs

Y/m - y/n get ready we are going to my Boyfriends house we will leave at 8:00

Y/n- ok

It was currently 7:15 I completed the rest of my homework after I did that it was 7:36

Athours pov

She took a bath and changed her clothes she wore a black baggy shirt and black pants

Y/n pov

I took a bath and wore clothes not fancy one just normal ones I did not put any make up I never liked to put make up plus we are going to her boyfriends home not mine I do not even know that guy whatever.

I was ready I went down mother was wearing a dress

Y/m- how do I look

Y/n - hmmm

She looked a little sad but I couldn't care less

Just then we heard a honk

Y/m- let's go the driver I'd here

Y/n- coming.

We entered the car I don't know why but I had a strong gut feeling that something bad is going to happen and I believe something bad is going to happen. The ride was peaceful I was listening to music

We finally reached my mother's boyfriend's house and I must say he is rich. We went to walked to the door and rang the bell I middle aged man opened the door and kissed mother's lips I looked at them with an emotion less face. After they were done 'kissing' or 'making out' . He introduced himself

????- hi y/n I am Kim Ji Yong you can call me dad

He came to hug me I moved back cause I do not like hugging or any skin touching

Y/n- hi Mr Kim I will reject your hug and I would rather call you mr kim

He was taken a back a little but I do not care

Mr Kim- come in

And we went inside we sat on the sofa and I should say the house-was pretty good.

And then Mr Kim broke the akward silence.

Mr Kim- call my sons

Maid- yes sir/master

Sons?! I glared at my mother she told me nothing about his sons she looked at me with and apologetic look. And then I heard footsteps it wasn't one or two but there were a lot I knew something bad is going to happen. So I started preparing for myself for the worst. And then I turned to the stairs and I was a shocked as hell but I turned my shocked face to a emotionless face. They or should I say that the whole school calles them BTS so they are brothers so they come downstairs and I saw junkook smirking at me.

To be continued...........................................

hi people i am sorry i updated it kinda late its a short chapter there are long ones coming ahead i will be sure to update it often

if you like it be sure to vote and comment your motivation really helps me. PS request are still open. Take care

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