Chapter 5- Girlfriend??

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Work was over it was currently 4:00pm I went home changed my dress had a bit of food cause if I eat a lot I end up puking it all out I have an eating disorder and mother dose not know about it cause I never old her or cause she never had time for me. After I ate I did my homework it was 6:00 I watched for about 2 hours took my sleeping pills and dozed of to sleep.

Athours pov
Kim's mansion 2:15 pm

Maid- masters Mr Kim is calling you..

Jin- coming

They all went down to their Father
Mr Kim I have to tell you all something

Namjoon- is it about a mission

Mr Kim- No it is that I have a girlfriend and I love her alot and you are going to meet them tomorrow

Jimin- what do you mean by them?

Mr Kim- ohh she and her daughter

???- what If she is a slut and a gold digger huh

Mr Kim- she is neither a slut or a gold digger I love her alot and you have no other choice yoongi

Junkook- I will accept you girlfriend but not her daughter

Makne line execpt jk- me too

Mr Kim I have put her through many tests so she is not a slut not a gold digger

With that they all left except jin

Mr Kim- get you asses back here

Jin- dad clam down I will try to talk to them
But it will be hard

Mr Kim- thank you and I want to talk to you tomorrow in my office okay

Jin-ok dad

To be continued.........

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