Chapter 17 Bribe?

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I bought up and found myself on my bed how did I end up here, the last thing I remember was Hoseok asking me if I had the house key how the hell did I end up here? Wait, did he carry me? No why would he, I am just a nobody to him, I didn't recognize what to think then I remembered about the blades and the bloody tissues wait did he see it?

Crap. I went and disposed the soiled tissues and cleaned the blades that were covered in blood. After I did that I went and took a bathe wore a fresh pair of clothes. Then I remembered today is Sunday I am going to meet Mr Kim.

 After sometime I got a call from my coworker she requested me cover her shift because she had to go to the hospital, I agreed to it cause all city café was close to the café I worked at, so he won't come to pick me up which is a good thing. I started to get ready for work.

I wore a long coat over my clothes and wore shoes. And left the house I began walking towards the café it is a 10 minutes walk from home I still had 20 minutes before the shift started, so I decided to text Mr Kim saying he doesn't need to come to pick me up,

<Mr Kim>

I'll directly meet you at all city café

I sent the message and entered the café I went to the staff room removed my coat and wore the provided apron and tied my hair into a small bun and wore the provided cap

Time skip (cause I am a lazy potato)

The shift finally got over I removed the apron and cap and wore my coat back and got out for the café and started waking to all city café it took me about 10 minutes to reach there it's currently 3 50 I still have 10 min I decided to check my phone on the way I saw a message from Mr Kim it said .........

<Mr Kim>

Are you sure?

I messaged him again saying

Yea I am.


            { Don't be shy, give me some ideas }

I entered the café and spotted Mr Kim as the entire café was empty normally it's full at this time as office are near, so people come here for coffee I walked to the table Mr Kim was sitting at I bowed down a bit I sat on his opposite now facing him. There was this awkward silence between us a waiter came and asked us what we would like to have I'd already had coffee during my short break, so I wasn't hungry or thirsty Mr Kim ordered a cup a tea the waiter noted the ordered and left I decided to break the silence saying,

"Mr Kim what did you want to discuss about Ive made myself clear that I want nothing to do with you or your sons and even if I do not agree with this marriage it's still going to happen then why bother discussing about it"

I stated it all together The waiter came with Mr Kim's tea Then he said

"I want to make an offer"I was confused, he never said anything about an offer I asked him not interested, however curious and confused He removed some thing from his blazer pocket, it was a black card. He removed it and slid it throughout the table I looked at him with a questionable look on my face then he said "this is for you as a token of acceptance" then I said "but I never accepted anything" then I said "are you making an attempt to bribe me?"He took another sip of his tea he nonetheless dint reply I looked at him in disbelief he was trying to bribe me then I said "Mr Kim yes I do believe that money can buy happiness however to an extent this is the last time I am saying this I will not accept this marriage or you or your sons as my family simple end of discussion" saying that I slid the card back to him got up and left the café and started walking home.

Tskk such a waste of time, in any case I had nothing to do. While walking home I saw a few stray cats on the street hunting for food there was a small convinence save close to by I went in and bought a small packet of cat food I went back to the place where all the cats were there they got scared and ran away I sighed and bent down and emptied the bag of cat food and walked away from there after I walked a few steps I turned to see the cats eating then I plugged in my earphones in my phone then in my ears and started playing my playlist listening to music helps me escape reality enjoying the music and the cool breeze I continued my way towards home. 

Y'all I am losing motivation, :(         
                                give me motivation ʕ·͡ˑ·ཻʔ

To Be Continued...............................................

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