Chapter 14 Spy

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Author's pov

Kims mansion

Jin picked up the phone and kept it on speaker the spy explained that 'y/n had talked to her mother and went in her room and locked it and went in the bathroom and locked it and then she came out after about 1hour 37miniuts when she came out her eyes were puffy her shirt had blood on it and her shoulder was bleeding then she changed the clothes treated her wound and got ready to go out of the house.' The spy explained he continued 'she walked to the drugstore/pharmacy and got one box of sleeping pills the pharmacist asked her for the prescription she showed him one but I am pretty sure it was an old one cause the paper was worn out then she asked for 2 boxes of pain killers and 3 boxes of band-aids she paid for it and left after that she went to a convenience store and got a lollipop, gummies, some gum,3 bottles of banana milk and 1 cup of instant ramen she then went to the cash register and paid for all of it then she headed home should I continue to follow her sir'

Then seokjin answered 'no need, for now, I will let you know when you have to' then he ended the call then Namjoon spoke 'looks like she self-harmed then Hoseok spoke up 'I don't know why but I am feeling bad' everyone except the makne line nodded then Jin spoke up 'if she takes more three or more than that she could die' 'if she self harms takes sleeping pills she might have also attempted suicide but failed' Yoongi says. All of the brothers were in deep thought.

Third-person viewing

Mr. kims office

Mr. Kim completed his last meeting and is headed to Ms. parks house. As he reached her house he rang the bell and Ms. park opened the door she let Mr. Kim in and they talked for a while then the asked that where is y/n her mother said that she hasn't come out of the room since the talk they had Mr. Kim nodded and went up to check her room it was open he went inside and it was empty he hurried downstairs and told Ms. park that y/n is not in her room. Ms. Park began panicking. Mr. Kim had already called his men to start searching for y/n. After a few minutes, the door opened showing y/n. Mr. Kim ran to her and was about to hug her but y/n moved before he could hug her.

y/n pov

I arrived home and saw a fancy car I knew Mr. Kim was home I rolled my eyes and opened the door and as soon as I opened the door Mr. Kim came running to me he was going to hug me but I moved out of the way. I had so many questions in my head why did he want to hug me and why did he look relieved when I came in. Anyways I was about to go to my room but my mother stooped me and asked 'where were you I looked at her a scoffed and told her ' since, when are you so worried mother I am pretty sure if Mr. Kim hadn't come you wouldn't notice my presence was missing, would you ?' well that left her speechless. And I turned to go to my room but before I could go my Kim stopped me and asked 'y/n do you want to go out with me for discussing the marriage' I looked at him for a second and answered him 'Mr. Kim, there is nothing to discuss as I have already told the mother that she is free to do whatever she likes but even if I am against this marriage it is going to happen am I right? And one more thing I have told this to mother I am pretty sure she has told you this but I will repeat my self I will not accept you or your sons as my family nor address you like them.' I said all of that and continued to walk to my room but Mr. Kim insisted that I meet him I was going to reject it but what was the harm I nodded and went up to my room. I came into my room kept the bags on the table and lay down on my bed I took out my phone and started scrolling through IG I saw a missed call from an unknown number and a few texts too so I decided to check it out.


Hi y/n this is Mr. Kim

I wanted to know if you are free to go out sometime

<Contact name changed form unknown to Mr. Kim>

I read that and thought about how the hell did he get my number. my thoughts were interrupted by a vibration there was a text from Mr. Kim it said

<Mr. Kim>

Location-All City Café

Time- 4:00 pm Sunday I will come to pick you up

Take care

Well I left him on read and thought do I really have to do this well today was a Saturday it was currently 2 pm I started to watch random things on YouTube

At the kims mansion

Author's pov

The silence in the meeting room was disturbed by a phone ringing it was Namjoons phone he picked it up and kept it on speaker the next thing they heard made everyone shocked 'the marriage has been confirmed it will be next week and there is an upcoming mission I will send you the details k got to go bye' this left the seven brothers silent. All of them started leaving the room one by one with unreadable expressions and mixed feelings.

To be continued.....................

First of happy birthday to Taehyung

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First of happy birthday to Taehyung

second of most of ya'll did not answer the quest in the last chapter I request ya'll  to answer them it really helps me to write I hope you answer them 

And the question of the chapter do you watch Kdrama if you do which one is your favorite? 

kindly answer these  questions

1) do you want y/n to call her soon-to-be brothers Oppa, Hyung, or just by their name or something else?

2) do you want me to add photos of outfits and the mansion or not?

3)do you people want an introduction chapter (of all the characters)

4) how are you liking the story so far and do you have any questions

answer these questions 

stay safe and take care peace 

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