Chapter 38- Change?

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Yeloooooo people, I'm back from the dead

Recap-. "Fine we'll get you boba" said namjoon as he proceeded to call one of his men and tell him to get boba for Do Yun "yay, thank you" she smiled "your welcome, now continue" said Jin "no, I don't wanna" said Do yun "but why" asked Jimin "because I want coffee" she said "but we called boba for you" said hoseok, yun shrugged and said "but I feel like drinking coffee" they all sighed being done with her but nonetheless agreed

Moving on "thennn oo there is Namjooniee hyung he looks like him" she pointed at Namjoon "hes nice and very strong he picked up a heavy box for me, i like his hugs and ummm and he is terrifying he's 6 feet tall I look so short compared to him" she pouted "and his hands are the size of my legs" "but jooine hyung is soft his hugs are comforting i like them and joonie hyung looks like a koala" she smiled the boys again made fun of namjoon while he had a soft smile on his face

"Hmm mm thenn let me thinkkk oo then there is jimine Hyung i don't really know him, but he looks scary but kinda like mochi too and his cute eye smile, but he still he scary I've stayed away from him because i don't think he and taehyinge like me very much, but that is okay even i don't like myself" she shrugged "oo, and he looks like a baby chick berry cute" Jimin didn't know what to feel was he really that mean to her?

The others made fun of Jimin calling him a baby chick "thennn oo there is Taehyung again he looks like some not mess with but his cute boxy smile is so cuteeee makes me wanna pull his checks very cut but when we went shopping he looked scary like very and the first time we met her was glaring at me" she sighed "but he is cute and he looks like a smol lion cub" teahyung didnt want to think about what do yun said still though she was nuisance to the family he just rolled his eyes

"uhuhmumm then the last one wait ...... i forgot his name hmmm oo it was junglebook" the others wheezed at the comment made at jungkook constantly making fun of him. "he is nice but veryyy annoying he poured water on me to wake me up and it was somehow my fault for sleeping annoying little bunny he's nice but scary as hell i don't like it when he shouts at me" she said "also he is a bunny he has bunny teeth" she huffed the boys were making fun of each other

But Taehyung Jimin and hoseok we're quite jealous to say the least. They didn't want a sister but seeing this made them want to be good brothers to do yun. They probably made a mental note to be nicer to her

after they were done making fun of each other they started asking do yun questions, this is how that went "so yun" asked Jungkook "what don't you like about your brothers" he continued "hmmmm i don't like how tall they are it makes me look like a kid" she tried to look angry but just looked cute

"You know I like this do yun so much better" said Jin "cause she's talks so much and smiles more and looks cute" and the others agreed

they decided to ask more questions to make it a little deep " yun why don't you like your mother " namjoon asked out of curiosity yun thought for a while and said " a mother is supposed to look after her child not abuse them emotionally and physically" there was silence nobody dared pushing the topic

 "what about your father?" Taehyung asked wanting to know more about the girl the others glared at him for asking that cause its quite sensitive "oooh appa i loved him so much he used to take care of me since I was born till he died" she looked down tears evident in her eyes "after he left there was just darkness in my life everything just changed, he bared everything for me" tears were running down her cheeks by now the hurt was visible in her voice she scooted closer to the person next to her, it was namjoon she rested her head on his shoulder "aw love you okay"Jin asked as he went closer to her "yes hyung i am okay" she wiped her tears and sat up straight and smiled. Oh how that broke everyone's heart

They were talking about random things more like making fun of each other when hoseok noticed something it was Do yun's sleeves it turned red crimson red they were spots he went closer to her told everyone about it. Do yun herself looked down to find red spots then she remembered it was of this morning the panic kicked in she knew she couldn't hide it.

Seven pairs of eyes looking at her, she realized that this wasn't her she wanted the best for herself and showing them her fragile self might change things sober? Do Yun wouldn't do this she would've done anything to get out of this situation. But this isn't sober yun this is a child in need of care and to be loved. And they could be trusted right? right?

Namjoon crouched down to face her while the others watched, he took her hand in his and asked "can i?" asking her permission and not trying to scare her she nodded he carefully folded her sleeves trying not to hurt her in the process. As he was folding the sleeves he saw countless marks, some healed, some partly healed and some were fresh.

Hoseok told Jimin to get his first aid kit form his medic as he got up namjoon gave him space to inspect the wounds "Hyung they are quite deep" they sighed jimin came with the first aid kit he gave it to hoseok as he cleaned the wounds yun had her head down they looked quite pissed and that scared her it wouldn't scare normal do yun but she wasn't here right now

a few tears escaped thinking they might not talk to her again or be disgusted a million things running through her head not realizing that the cuts were cleaned and bandaged. It was awfully quiet she realized they were done when Jin offered her a glass of water. She gulped it down really fast, there was silence in the room yun broke the silence by saying "h-hyung are you mad" she asked and they panicked "yun no we are not just shocked" said hoseok she nodded "yun you are going through a lot of things right now and we want to help you we don't want to see you suffer, and you might forget this in the morning but if you need to talk about anything we're here alright hun, hm"said Jin the others agreeing yun softly smiled knowing she made the right choice.

"Alight now don't cry you'll be fine" namjoon said as he wiped her tears she smiled brightly at him "aish you should smile more you look cute" said hoseok they all laughed "hyung i wanna eat ice cream" she said turning to namjoon "no its too late" he replied "but please tell him jin hyung" she looked at them with pleading puppy eyes which they could not resist. "Aish hyung just say yes shes too cute" taehyung said while the rest agreed it's a drunk do yun charm. Sober yun would have cringed

"fine but just a little and after this you go to sleep" he told do yun "okie" they all bought ice cream and Jin fed do yun as she was too drunk to hold the bowl hence she was fed, they all had an amazing time talking and having fun with each other. Soon enough while talking yun fell asleep with her head on Namjoon's lap, the best pillow in her defense. She was later she was carried by him to her room. There was one thing all of them could not deny, and that was that they all that an amazing time together!

To Be Continued..........................

heyy how are y'all doinn?

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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