Chapter 26 Lost

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*Inserts Jungkook's voice* twenny? twanty? twenty? twenny?

Ik i am late i just had no motivation and had a lot going in my life but here another crappy chapter ✨

Do Yun pov

The sun rays lit up the room and on my face I stirred up and opend my eyes and yawned, I reached for my phone on the side table, I switched on my phone it was 12 it was probably the longest I’ve slept in a while, I stayed in Bed scrolling through stuff until I had enough and sat up, I got a notification from the school app it was the exam timetable and the portion well had have shit to do now Well at least I’ll be busy for some time,

I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom to do my shit
I got out of the bathroom and went downstairs to eat something I went in the kitchen I saw Seokjin there he didn’t notice me yet or that’s what I thought until he spoke “good morning do yun” I was shook how did he know it was me do I have loud foot steps anyway I wished him back saying “good morning” I wen to the fridge and removed the milk box and poured it into a cup to make coffee I need some to function throughout today and put it back in the fridge.

I heard Seokjin say “ahh dad and your mom have gone on a honeymoon for three weeks” I let out a chuckle Seokjin looked at me and asked interested “what’s so funny?” I replied “the fact that she didn’t tell me about this about literally anything I come home one day and she has a boyfriend the next day I find out he has seven sons who are fucking scary and the next he is my stepfather and I am living in the house with complete strangers who I met a week ago who don’t even like me I still haven’t processed any of this” I said with my head in my hands and I realized who I said it to well I heard him chuckle “so you think we’re scary?” “hm” I looked up to see him smirking I didn’t know what to say I said “yes” in the lowest voice possible he chuckled and said “don’t worry we aren’t that bad” he said and patted my shoulder and continued “by the way the coffee powder is in the third cabinet from the right and don’t make my kitchen dirty ” and left well I was shook to say the least after a few minutes I continued to make my coffee, after I made the coffee I went back to the bed room and noticed something odd.

I searched the room and realized SHIT!!!!!!! The kitten is not in the room fuck fuck fuckkkk I screamed in my head what the fuck am I supposed to do I put the coffee cup on the desk and started to think of a solution he could be any fucking where this place is huge. The only smart solution I came up with was to go to Namjoon yes because he is the only person who knows about him and he knows this house better than me, well the real question is where can I find him? I chugged the cup of coffee and went out to find Namjoon.

I went out of the room to his room which was across mine I knocked on it a couple of times I heard a come in after a few seconds I went in and saw him sitting on a armchair reading a book in went in he was surprised to see me  then he said “hey do you want anything?” I shook my head and said “umm after coming back last night I did not close my rooms door properly and the kitten may or may not have left the room” I said while playing with the hem of the shirt and looking down I looked up at him and he was shocked at what I said the he said “do yun you realize that he could be anywhere” he was kind of panicking he calmed down and told me “ we should find him before someone else does and we should tell Jin Hyung and the others or else if he’s going to find out we are dead meat” I nodded maybe this is our only was out.

He went out of the room and I followed him, we walked till we reached two big (that’s what she said) doors Namjoon knocked on it and went in I followed behind, the room looked like an office it was huge (that’s what she said) I saw Jin  on a desk with some paperwork he looked at me and Namjoon and raised an eyebrow and said “ hm what is it” Namjoon told him everything and there was no expression on his face “so you sneaked in a kitten in the house without anyone knowing and joon you knew” my head was down I know I was wrong but I completely wasn’t wrong I said “ I sneaked a kitten in because he was wounded hungry and sick I didn’t want him to die on the streets”

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