Chapter 19 Other Plans

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 Honestly feel like I am writing to dead people 

PS I am running low on motivation 


The bell rang indicating the school was over I got up I wasn't feeling well my head was hurting I am getting cramps I went to my locker and put some books in my bag and walked towards the exit then I remembered that I am going to the mall I went to the parking area and sat on a near bench and waited for them to come after about ten minutes I saw them I walked up to them then Hoseok spoke "y/n you will sit with us in the car" I nodded Hoseok got in the divers seat Namjoon got in the passenger seat and I sat in the back.

 The mall is about 20 minutes from school 5 minutes in the drive I felt something wet in between my legs and I hoped it wasn't what I assume it is I saw my white pant turn crimson and I cursed under my breath then asked "uhh can we stop at my house it's important" I saw Hoseok make eye contact with Namjoon then he said "what is it" I internally groaned just then my cramps became worse and tears began to come out of my eyes I put my hands on my stomach and held it.

TW-Trigger Warning

I felt the car come to a halt the next thing I felt was I hand on my back rubbing it, it felt good but will never admit to it then I heard Hoseok say "let's go to the hospital" then Namjoon said "she is got her menstrual it's not that serious just drive to her house" thank god he had the brains after about ten minutes in constant pain it hurt like a bitch we finally reached home.

 First Namjoon got out of the car then I there was a big blood stain on my pants and I felt embarrassed then Hoseok removed his jacket and gave it to me to tie it around my waist I took to and walked towards the door with a little support from Namjoon since I had no energy I took the house keys from my pocket and opened the door I went in they followed me in I had no energy to stop them.

 I went upstairs with Namjoon following me went to my room he asked me where my closet was I pointed to it, he went there and gave me a fresh pair of clothes I thanked then he stated "if you need me ill be downstairs" he told with a straight face I nodded he close the door and left I went to the bathroom and hoped I had pads to my luckily had them finally something good I. 

I took a bath and wore my clothes and wore the pad then I went down and saw Seokjin in the kitchen he was cooking something how'd he come.

Namjoons POV

I left y/n's room and told Hoseok to call dad and inform that y/n wasn't feeling well he nodded then I got a call from Jin Hyung I picked up the call and explained to him the situation well his mother instances kicked in and the next thing I knew he was at y/n's home he went in the kitchen and began to cook and must I say It smelled amazing.

 After sometime y/n got here downstairs and looked confused then Jin Hyung said "come have some soup it'll help with the pain" she nodded still confused.

 She is a weird person, at times I can read her like an open book, and sometimes she has no emotion on her face.


Jin Hyung called me and Hoseok Hyung to the table as well we all sat down to eat y/n was sitting next to Jin Hyung, and I was sitting next to Hoseok Hyung most of the time y/n used to be playing with her food or just looking down embarrassed 

Jin Hyung noticed she was not eating, he gave her a sympatric look. Then I noticed they were three cuts on her hand since she had her sleeves up till her elbow I furrowed my eyebrows I got up and went up to her room

  I noticed a first aid kit somewhere there I saw it in the bathroom near the closet I went in the bathroom and noticed a rusted blade with blood on it, I felt angry I don't know why anyways

I took the first aid kit and went up to her moved her chair now she was facing me I sat in front of her, took her small hand compared to mine she flinched the seemed at me and then at the wound trying to take her hand back, but I had a firm grip on her hand she wasn't giving up

then I warned her "don't move" my voice full of seriousness she stopped trying to fight back she looked down while I was cleansing the wound.


After I cleaned her wound I wrapped it in a band-aid she looked up at me, she looked so tired, she held her stomach with her hands with tears running down her cheeks.  

Jin Hyung handed me a painkiller and a glass of water I gave it to her, she swallowed the medicine and drank the water then I got up and helped the up and took her to the couch and made her sit down there and went to help Jin Hyung in the kitchen 

Hoseoks POV 

When Namjoon was cleansing y/n's wound I got a call, so I excused myself it was Yoongi Hyung's he asked me where Jin Hyung is I explained to him the situation he understood I went back in the kitchen to see Namjoon and Hyung cleaning up I asked Namjoon where y/n is he told me she is on the couch he asked me to check on her 

I nodded and went to he only to see her crying it really must hurt I went to her and hugged her rubbing her back soothing her before I knew it she was sound asleep I picked her up and went upstairs to the room and laid her down on the bed and covered her with a blanket and closed the door on my way back.   

I went down to the kitchen and informed Jin Hyung about Yoongi Hyung and that y/n is sleeping. Me, Namjoon and Jin Hyung decided to head back home, and we left the house. 


To be continued 

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