Chapter 34- Revenge

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"where is he?" a dark voice asked "s-sir he is in the room we've sedated him but the effect must have worn out by now" there was a chuckle heard "well ain't that perfect let's go" behind the man were three other men who followed him into the room

WARNING contains violence and abuse so read it at your own risk

 A man is sitting in a chair, his hands tied behind his back and duct tape covers his mouth. He's unconscious with his head down.There wasn't much light in the room just a flickering bulb the room wasn't much to look at, there was blood splattered on the white walls, some of which was old blood and some of it was fresh blood. However, on the side of the room was a massive table with all kinds of weapons you could think about. 


Authors note

I've been meaning to change the title of my book, I've got a few in mind, but I can't seem to choose one. I was wondering if y'all could help me.

1. the sister of seven

2. silent blade

3. curse of my past

4. cage the past

5. devils sister

alright, let me know!!! I'll be looking forward to your replies !! If you have another suggestion, let me know!!!


"Alright, let's begin," said the man walking towards the massive table followed by the other men. the men in the room put on latex gloves on their hands, they walked toward the man this man is wearing an all black suit. He rips off the duct tape, which awakens the boy. "Aw shit" says the boy "did that hurt?" a voice said in fake concern the boy looks up to see who it was "c-c-c-chairman k-k-kim" "that's right" "w-w-w-where am I w-w-why am I here" "hmm let me think maybe because you did something unforgivable and four years of prison isn't enough for dickheads like you" "now enough talking i can't hold back anymore" said one of the men from behind seokjin smirked "hm your right its play time" saying this he sat in a chair not far from the others but far enough to give him a good view of the victim being tortured he sit's down and pulls out a packet of cigarette lights one of them "go ahead he's all your" seokjin said as the other men smirked.

There were screams of the boy echoing screams of "help" or "stop" which were all in vain, the boy was completely stripped from his clothes his hands and legs bound together to stop him from moving them, the men poured boiling hot water on him there were screams, and they were ignored 

after the pouring of the boiling water, they grabbed a few knives and started skinning him from the lowest of his torso towards his stomach the scene was gruesome the bloody screams the begs for mercy pieces of skin on the floor and the smirks of satisfaction on the men's faces seeing the victim crying in pain and begging for their mercy

"STOP PLEASE P-P-PLEASE I AM SORRY S-S-S-STOP" all his pleas and cries were ignored until "well that's good enough for the next part ain't it?" seokjin asked "n-n-n-next p-p-part?" sung ho said but he was ignored "it is" replied namjoon "lets get this over with i want to go home and sleep" yoongi said "he's right he stinks" said Hoseok "right get the acid" said namjoon "a-a-acid?" "yes acid also get a cutter and a plunger" said Hoseok "for?" asked seokjin "gotta cut this fuckers tongue and plunge out his teeth" replied Hoseok "aint that creative" chuckled seokjin "no n-no no n-no please leave me p-please" " hmm lets me think did you leave Do Yun when she was screaming and telling you to stop? No you didn't so why should we" said yoongi with gritted teeth "i-i a-a-am s-s-sorry i wont d-do it a-again" "tsk tsk you need to be alive to do it again"  yoongi chuckled.

And that's how the gruesome torture began it started off with namjoon pouring the acid Hoseok near the face plucking out the teeth one by one yoongi cutting off his toes and seokjin making skillful cuts on his legs which were then seasoned with a whole bunch of salt and Chili flakes and two men holding sung ho down. This was done with sinister smiles on their faces. Loud screams of mercy and begging for death were heard but to them, it was melody and nobody care he deserved this.

After about an hour of that, sung ho was left with an acid burnt upper body one eyeball no teeth no tongue no toes five fingers' millions of cuts on his legs and the men were still not satisfied "Hyung even after I look at him like this I don't feel content" said Hoseok "I agree I don't think he has felt enough even half of what do yun has" yoongi said looking at the body with was alive and screaming of pain "aish that scream is just annoying now don't you think" said namjoon "sew his mouth shut his screams are giving me a headache" said seokjin yoongi got a needle and medicated thread and went near sung ho's face bent down sung ho screamed when he saw the needled and thread and tried to move, but he couldn't. He called one of the men to keep sung ho's mouth shut and the needle pierced through his lip tears falling out of his eyes feeling hopeless he gave up, there was no escape for him.

After his mouth was nice well and stitched up, there was a nice silence with helped them to think of what to do next "he's still got five fingers left" said yoongi they decided to break them turn by turn, and they did with hammers or knives some of them just their bare hands "alright I am bored" said Hoseok "and tired" said yoongi "I am hungry" said seokjin "alright we could leave him or burn him while he's alive" said namjoon "lets burn him" said Hoseok and every one agreed 

they got the gasoline ready and poured it on the body, sung ho was still half conscious before they lit the lighter and burned it they had a few last words to say "Lee Sung Ho I hope in this life you learned something and if you did not, we'll make sure even in your next life we'll hunt you down and do something a million times worse" said yoongi seokjin lit the lighter they saw sung ho shaking his head saying no it didn't stop them seokjin threw the lit lighter on the body.

The body caught on fire, with one last glance on the now burning body they turned and left through the door 

"hmm finally fresh air" Hoseok said as they disposed of the gloves they were wearing, their clothes covered in blood did they care? No "you know what to do with the remains" seokjin asked the man in front of him "y-yes sir" said the man "good we'll be leaving now" the man bowed down to them "Hyung what are you going to do to the remains" asked namjoon seokjin smirked and said "we'll be sending them to lee who will soon be reunited with his son" they smirked and walked towards their car. 

 They reached to the mansion they went to their rooms and discarded of the bloody clothes and took showers and wore fresh clothes and went to the living room "where are the maknes it's late they should be here" said seokjin "ah Hoseok-ah call Taehyung" said yoongi Hoseok nodded and called Taehyung

"tae said that they were eating, and they would leave in a few minutes" said hoseok "thats nice Hyung lets eat" said namjoon "yess i am starving this potato already went to sleep" said seokjin looking at yoongi passed out on the couch the others chuckled and told the maid to serve them in the dining room.

After the dinner they heard a car pull up, and it was the maknes with a lot of shopping bags, and they were bickering with each other the Hyung's they smiled ahh classic

to be continued.....



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