Chapter 24 wedding 1

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(The art above is mine)

Y/n pov

I got up to my alarm ringing I groaned and switched it off, for once I had some good sleep and it had to be ruined, I stayed like that for some time thinking about my life, the way it changed. I shook my head and sat up, I reached for my phone, it wasn’t much and it had cracks all over it but it did its job properly, it was 6:30 I was late but at this point I didn’t care, I went to the bathroom to take a bath after I did that I wore my clothes and took my bag, I went to the kitten (a/n I need names!!!!!!) he was looking at me he still wasn’t healed yet I picked him up  I started petting him, I could hear soft purrs form him, after sometime I put him down and filled his bowl of with food and water in a separate one, after doing that I peaked out of the room door, it was still dark so no one had woken up I close the door back and go to the window I opened it and just like last time I jumped, I got up and brushed my clothes to get rid of the dust and then climbed over the fence.

I started walking towards school while listening to my playlist, it was peaceful and calm I wish this would last forever, but alas nothing Lasts forever so enjoy the moment and leave your problems to your future self. On the was to school I felt hungry and saw a small pancake shop on the street I must say they smelt amazing, I went to the shopkeeper and asked her for one plain vanilla pancake, she smiled and nodded I payed her the required amount she gave me the pancake, I took it from her and saw a park nearby with benches I little time won’t hurt, I went towards the bench and sat there looking stray dogs playing around, I completed eating my pancake and went to school. I reached school and went to the library again there was no one there except the librarian, I went in I still had time before classes start I took a random book and started reading it, and I must say it was a really nice one I went to the librarian to scan the book she gave me a card and I had to fill it, I filled it in and gave it back to her then she told me I could take it and just then the bell rang.

My first lecture was math and i was going to get my test paper. I entered the classroom and went up to my desk after a few minutes the teacher came in and started distributing the paper, and when my name came he looked at me more like scanning my face then he gave me the test paper and as expected I passed I got an A-, which is fine in my opinion and most of the students got a B or a C , after an awfully long amount of time the bell finally rang. I had language next so I went towards the next class.

Authors pov

As the sun rose the members of the Kim mansion started to get up and get ready for the day. Soon all of them were at the dining room except one person, but none of them questioned it and eat breakfast. Mr. Kim left the room first followed by MS park, all of them knew what day it was the day that would change their life forever and they had not choice but to accept the fact rather than denying or lying to themselves, some of them had already accepted the fact the others well let’s just say they’re trying to accept it. Soon they all  left to where there supposed to go.

Lunch time

Y/n Pov

Finally the bell rang everyone left the classroom I decided to stay there cause I was too lazy to walk to the cafeteria. I started to think about my trashy life and how it was going to change drastically, I put my head down on the desk and closed my eyes, having a peaceful moment that did not last long as I started to get those awful flashbacks that felt like it happened yesterday I opened my eyes breathing heavily sweating I wanted to forget all of it, sadly no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t forget it, I put my head in between my  hands trying to breath at a normal pace, I wiped the sweat of my face with the hem of my sweat shirt, after sometime I checked the time left for lunch to get over there were still 25 minutes left, I decided to go out on the school field  I put my books in my bag and headed towards it. The school field was big and there weren’t many people and it was peaceful. I saw a tree with no one around so I decided to go and sit there under the shade of the tree, it was nice and peaceful the cold breeze hitting my face, I removed my doodle book and started doodling, after sometime I heard the bell ring I sighed closed the book and started to head towards class, on my way I switched on my phone to see a notification it was a message from the number I got yesterday basically it was Namjoons it read

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