Chapter 33- Court Part 2

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Authors pov 

"Permission granted," said the judge

and Seokjin came into the witness box

"I am the chairman of bangdan high school and here is the middle school's blueprint," he said as the judge saw the blueprint

"This proof is valid," he said as he looked over at the lee family

"I'd like to call Kim Do Yun to testify," the lee family lawyer spoke

"Permission granted," said the judge


Authors note

I've been meaning to change the title of my book, I've got a few in mind, but I can't seem to choose one. I was wondering if y'all could help me.

1. the sister of seven

2. silent blade

3. curse of my past

4. cage the past

5. devils sister

alright, let me know!!! I'll be looking forward to your replies !! If you have another suggestion, let me know!!!


Do Yun froze but a re-assuring hand on her hand helped her she stood up and we to the witness box

"Ms. Kim, I'd like you to answer these questions using yes or no, alright, is it true that you used to stay in the US before you moved here ?"

"Yes," she said confused

"did you join the school 3 weeks ago?"


"alright now is your relationship with your mom"

"it's fine"

"Now, how was your mom's sex life in the US?"

"Um, I don't know"

"Did she bring men home to sleep with?"

"Objection irrelevant" yoongi said

"objection overruled," said the judge

"yes," said Do yun looking at the floor while fidgeting with her fingers

"My lord seeing this it is clear she was raised in a not-so-stable household and growing up in such a household can make a person abusive"

by this time yoongi was fuming in anger and Do Yun was in tears looking down thinking maybe he was right

"Attorney Kim, do you have anything to say"

"my lord yes, lee Sung-ho is guilty and has committed a felony"

"your evidence," the judge says 

" your honor, the video is from the CCTV cameras of bangdan high school, more specifically from the time when lee sung ho assaulted Kim Do yun"

the video was played, and it showed every thing that happened from the beginning 

everyone in the courtroom was there to witness the video and so was Do yun, as she watches the video there were tears down her cheeks as she wiped them with the hem of her sleeves. She was embarrassed, the whole courtroom saw her being weak, especially her brothers.

The courtroom was filled with whispers 

"order, order" 

"may I call lee sung ho to the witness box" said yoongi

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