Chapter 36- Dead meat

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question of the chapter— how did you becom an Army??

Do Yun's pov

I got up as I couldn't sleep I checked my phone it was three in the morning, it was dark outside. I layed in bed looking at the ceiling mochi wasn't in the room maybe he was with namjoon or Jungkook Hyung I thought, I felt a wave of sadness hit me, I started to feel overwhelmed, and suddenly the voice had come back.

'Well look who it is you really thought I left' it was back I felt my body tense and the voice I just heard 'I am all that you have and everyone is going to leave you in the end' I sat up and tears down my cheeks I tried to shut it out by closing my ears using my hands.

'Hahaha now you're trying to get rid of me?' my breathing got really heavy, tears pouring down my cheeks I hated this I was vulnerable once again "it's not real" I kept saying this to myself not wanting to listen to the voice 'you know you can't get rid of me' it laughed 'everyone's going to leave you because they don't like you' it said "your not real" I said rocking front and back with my hands on my ears 'you know you're a selfish person' 'nobody likes you' 'you're a burden' 'you're a horrible person' 'you deserve to die' 'your worth nothing' 'you're fucking weak' 'die nobody likes you' 'you're a whore' 'even your father left you and your mother hates you' the said and i believed every word

I wanted it to stop and there was an only way I got out of bed and went into the bathroom opened the drawer and saw the solution to my problem the blade I rolled my sleeves to my shoulder and picked up the blade with shaking hands and pressed it to my arm. 

I saw the blood flow out and the voice slowly faded out I made another cut and then another it was too deep, but I didn't care I wanted to voice gone and another one, and it was gone I felt at peace I dropped on the floor tears still running down my cheeks and blood running down my hand, but I was at peace i the voice was gone however the tears didn't stop I wiped my face, I put a hand on my mouth to stop myself from making any noise I felt drained I wanted this misery to be over I wanted to be free from it,

 I don't want to die, but I don't want to live like this

I got my knees to my chest and buried my face in them, I was tired. After a few minutes I got up and looked at my self in the mirror and I saw an ugly loser who only knows how to run from problems.

 My crusty lips messed up hair red eyes face covered in tears I looked like a wreck I then noticed my arm it that bled quite a lot my hand felt numb really numb more numb than usual, I went to my duffle bad and got the first aid kit and first washed the cuts and then put the antiseptic cream over it and then put bandages over them, I cleaned up, and washed my face and brushed my hair. 

I checked the time it was five thirty almost sunrise I went to my window and opened the blinds it had a pretty view.

I closed the blinds because I wanted to sleep more it was pretty cold I went back to my bed and buried myself under the blankets it was warm slowly my eyes started drooping, and before I know I was asleep in peace this time

time skip>>>>

Authors pov

it was now 8:00 pm in the Kim mansion, all of them are in the dining room for breakfast all of the Kim's are n the dining room except Do Yun "where is Do Yun" asked namjoon as everyone was seated, but there was one empty chair "probably in her room sleeping" replied Jimin "she was exhausted yesterday" said Jungkook "in that case let her sleep" said Jin everyone agreed and the food was severed

time skipp<<<

Now it was 2:00 pm it was lunchtime and everyone was there except one empty chair belonging to Do yun "is Yun still sleeping?" asked Jin "I don't know i haven't seen her since morning" said Taehyung and everyone shook their head as no "ill go check on her" said Jungkook "yah if she's still sleeping wake her up" namjoon said "okayy" replied Jungkook as he went out of the dining room and up the stairs to Do Yun's room

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