Chapter 30- Comforting

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Author's pov (finally)

It was currently 9:00 pm at Kim's mansion and Do Yun, along with Junkook, were arguing about Junkook being a bunny they were engrossed in the argument that they didn't notice that the others were back. They heard two sounds in the living room and were surprised, to say the least, as there was not much noise in the house. Unless they all were together, they headed towards the living room and saw Junkook and Do Yun arguing about something.

BTS pov (except jk)

We were on our way back home and it was almost 9:00 pm. We were worried about Do Yun. Even though Junkook is with her, anything can happen. When we were at the Kim enterprise, one of the businesses run and managed by Yoongi Hyung and Jin Hyung, we made up a decent plan that would protect Do Yun and destroy Lee at the same time. However, we would need Do Yun's cooperation in this. As they reached home they heard noises in the living room. What they could make out of it was that it was Do Yun and Junkook arguing (?) We headed to the living room to see what was happening, and yes they were arguing but we were quite sure of what

"you do" "I don't" "you do" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" "no" "ye - "what is happening here?" asked Namjoon cutting Do Yun off. It was as if they had seen a ghost when they looked at us startled and pale.

"yah hyung we got scared" whined Junkook "so what were yall arguing about?" asked Taehyung removing his coat, "hyung Do Yun says that I look like a bunny" he whined "but you do look like a bunny" Do Yun said while looking at the ground said "now that I look at it I do see it you do look like a bunny kook," said Jimin rolling up his sleeves "aniyo hyung I don't" he crossed his hands and skulled we chuckled at the annoyed bunny, we all sat on the sofa the Taehyung and Jimin still teasing Junkook about being a bunny and Junkook skulling with an annoyed face.

As they all sat in the living room talking about how their day had been, a few questions were asked to Do Yun. Namjoon asked "how was your day Do Yun" to which she replied "it was complicated, to say the least," Jin asked "did you guys eat?" and Junkook replied "yes hyung we ate kimbap" and that's how the small talk continued. Soon enough most of them headed to their respective rooms as they were tired. So did do yun, well let's say she won't be sleeping anytime soon. This is because she doesn't know what is yet to come.

__________short note________________

Authors note 

I've been meaning to change the title of my book I've got a few in mind, but I can't seem to choose one. I was wondering if y'all could help me.

1. the sister of seven

2. silent blade

3. curse of my past 

4. cage the past

5. devils sister

alright let me know!!! ill be looking forward to your replies !!


Do yun walked to her room and started getting ready for bed. She washed her face brushed her teeth and was ready for bed. She sat on her bed recalling memories of tonight and the time she spent with Junkook. What she did notice was how none of them were disgusted with her and they pretended everything was normal and she was pleased with it. She was relieved that no one had spoken about what had happened in the morning. However, she didn't realize that she needed someone to talk to in order to get rid of the tension in her chest. This emotion was filled with fear, anger, and fatigue, tired of pretending everything was fine. But again who could blame the child who never had someone to talk to heck she was never even heard by her own mother

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