Chapter 7- Normal

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Chapter 7

Author's pov- Friday July 30th

Y/n woke up at 7:10 am brushed her teeth took a bath wore some clothes

Y/n woke up at 7:10 am brushed her teeth took a bath wore some clothes

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This is what you wore

Made some coffee and left for school. It was currently 7:40 am she reached school. It was quite early so she went on the roof top. Plugged in her earphones listening to music.

Bts pov

We reach school early so to go to the roof top. As we reached we saw a person as we went closer we saw it was none other than Y/n.

Y/n pov

As I was listening to music and the fresh breeze hitting my face it felt so good I felt free but this moment was reiuned as I sensed people behind me I turned around and I saw 7 boys I recognized one as Junkook the boy who was beat me yesterday. I looked at them for a few second and they were staring at. Me just than the bell rang and I took my bag and left the roof. I did not want to get involved with them well I was kinda already involved with one of them. I was kinda scared of them. I don't know why. I took my books and went to my first class

Bts pov

She stared at us and we started back she looked kinda scared. Just then the bell rang and she left the roof top. We were happy that she was scared of us. We thought she would fan girl over us well all the girls in the school do that well she just left. Weird well after that even we left from the roof to attend our respective classes.

Time skip 3rd period

Author's pov

The bell rang indicating the second class which was music. The university and the school share the same singing period.

Y/n pov

The bell rang the second period was music I went to the music room and I sat on one of the chairs

Picture of the singing room ( in downloads ig)

The teacher cam in we greeted her she was about to say something but the door flew open and I saw the 7 boys the teacher dint say anything she looked scared of them they just came in and sat at their respective places. The teacher told a few students to come and sing and then....

Teacher- Y/n you are the new student right

Y/n- yes

Teacher- I would like you to sing in class

If that is okay with you

Author's pov

Y/n nodded her head and started singing

This is what you sang

This is what you sang

Author's pov

After the song ended Jimin to her to sing another song she looked at the teacher the teacher looked at her hesitant she and an apologetic look he nodded and started singing

This is what you sang

 after she finished she looked to the teacher she looked at the teacher gave her a smile and she he bowed a little and went to her place

Bts pov

The teacher told y/n to sing she nodded her head and started singing her voice was sad her vocals were very good the song was finished. Jimin told her to sing another song well the second song she sang was different that the first one it was angry soon that song also finished. She bowed a little and went back to her place honestly none of us expected that. The teacher started teaching about notes

Y/n pov

I nodded at the teach and started singing honestly it was a long time since I sang well after I finished singing I was about to get up a voice stopped me it was one of the boys with Junkook he told me to sing another song looked at the teacher but the teacher gave me a hesitant and an apologetic look like she was scared of them well honestly I was a little scared to after that boy Junkook beat me up but started singing. After I completed I got up and bowed at the teacher I could feel all eyes on me I did not like this I quickly went to my place and sat those seven boys were sitting behind me and I could feel their eyes on me.

 Well class ended and I went out of the room it was lunch and I did not feel like eating my throat was a little itchy after singing I decided to get some banana milk from the cafeteria. I went in got my milk I was about to head out and go to the roof as I was walking out I could hear screams and cries of some guys I turned back and saw those 7 boys beating up four guys not all of the just 4 of the one of them was Junkook and one was the one who told me to sing another song and I did not know the other two were. Well let me tell you they were merciless I wonder what they did I caught two of them staring at me one of them was a pale guy and one of them was a long tall man well just then a good looking guy started to stop the four men to stop beating those guys and I turned around and walked away well honestly I was scared of them it bought back bad memories but whatever I went on the roof top I enjoyed my time there it was peaceful until the bell rang and I had to go to class.

Yoongi's pov

Well after music class we went to the cafeteria as we were walking a group of four guys 'accidentally' bumped into us more like the maknes and spilled something on the well they did not apologize and well they talked backed to them and were getting beating up and people started gathering around us I notice one of the it was y/n she just looked at them with no emotion and she was a little scared well after reading her info she was abused so is normal even Namjoon noticed her we both were staring at her until she caught us staring ate her eyes were glossy just them jin hyung started to stop them she turned around and left the cafeteria after they had stopped beating the four guys we called the security to take them and shooed the people who were watching.

Time skip- End of school

Y/n pov

Today was pretty okay. I headed out of school went to the cafe it was.

Athours pov

Currently 4:00 she went home changed her clothes did her homework and then her mother called her she went downstairs

to be continued.................

hey fellas what do you think about the story so far don't worry it is gonna get spicer in the coming chapters. 

Don't be a silent reader:)

give me some ides if you was to. fell free to comment and and if you have any questions leave them in the comments. and don't for get to vote. BE SAFE 


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