Chapter 23 Escape

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The kitten


A long ass chapter

Y/n pov

I got up with a headache I switched on my phone to see the time it was 6:00 am I had slept for about 7 hours I sat up and looked at the unfamiliar room I was in then events played in my head. I got out of the bed walked around the room finding the light switch, I finally found it next to the switch I found a small remote I guessed it’s for controlling the light, and the fan or the air conditioners speed. I switched on the light and searched for my duffel bag, I found it near the bed I opened the bag and removed a pair of clothes. I went to the bathroom which was connected to the room opposite the bathroom was another room I went in there it was a closet I shook my head and went in the bathroom it was the size of a bedroom,

I took a cold bath after the bath I wore a black baggy sweatshirt and some lose pants and put my hair into a Messy man bun and then treated my previous wounds. I looked at myself in the mirror, the dark circles under my eyes dry skin crusty lips. My hand reached the duffel bag and removed my blade and pressed the blade on my forearm and saw the crimson liquid flow out and drip down in the sink I lifted the blade and made another cut I felt a warm tears on my face I drop the blade and open the running water and put my bleeding had under it and saw the blood being washed.

After washing the blood I dryed it and applied some ointment and band Aid it, after doing that I washed my face. I put some food in the kittens food bowl and some water on the side, then I put my books in my bag and started to find a way to get out of the house without anyone knowing. I dint want to face anyone. I am pretty sure I saw a few guards when we arrived, so I decided to sneak out of the window I went near the window and opened it was quite high but not high enough to kill me so I decided to jump out the window, I jumped out the window and bruised my knee nothing serious I got up and dusted my pants now I had to find a way to get out of this property I walked around trying to find the gate I found it but it was guarded so I decided to jump over the wall it took many tries but I finally got over it. I checked the time it was seven so I decided to go to school the area was really different and I did not want to get lost so I switched on my GPS on and went to maps and followed the directions to school

Author’s pov

Kim mansion

It was 7:00 in the Kim’s mansion everyone got up in their respective rooms and started to get ready by 7:30 everyone was seated in the dining room except one person y/n. Well nobody noticed it until Mr.  Kim questioned “ where is y/n?” well he didn’t get a reply then he said “ Jungkook go call her for breakfast”, Jungkook was gonna say something but he knew there was no point in arguing whit his father. So he nodded and stood up from his chair and out of the dining room to y/n’s room, he reached the rooms door and knocked twice there was no response from the other side.

Jungkook's pov

I knocked twice but there was no response so I decided to go in she probably will be sleeping I open the rooms door to find the bed empty she might be in the bathroom so I went there nope the bathroom was empty the I noticed that the window was open I sighed. Then noticed a small grey fluff ball on the bed? I was goanna go near it but then I heard Jin Hyung calling my name I decided to check it out later so I went out the room closing the door behind me.

I went downstairs and to the dining room I told dad “ she is not in her room and the window is open” I left out the grey fluff ball, well dads and ms park’s face was shocked.
Ms. park took out her phone and called someone probably y/n well I went to my place and eating my food in peace cause food is my priority after my Hyung’s and dad obviously while I was munching on my pancakes as i saw the drama unfold MS park cursing y/n cause she was declining her calls and dad trying to calm her down well dad was successful in calming her down saying “its okay” or “everything will be fine” and then he finally said “ I’ll try calling her” she did kind of calm down and then dad called her she declined the call at first but dad called her again and to everyone’s surprise she picked up and she was on speaker he said “ y/n where are you” there was a pause in between then she replied saying “ I am going to school and can you guys calm down and stop calling for me god’s sake I am trying to enjoy my music I swear to god one more time anyone calls me I am going to block their number” saying that she hung up leaving everyone silent whelp  honestly that is is the longest thing I’ve heard her say, well everything was normal all of eating in peace again then dad “ we are going to the mall Today so be ready you’ll be coming directly from school, University and offices and no excuse because tomorrow is our wedding so be ready saying that ms park and dad left the .

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