Chapter 22 The Box

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I seriously think I am writing to dead people

Y/n pov

I went downstairs and saw them I bowed a little towards them then mother called us for dinner I wasn’t hungry at all I followed them to the dining room the only place left was between Seokjin and namjoon I didn’t want to face them after what happened yesterday.

After mother severed the food everyone started to eat I was playing with the food or just looking down on my lap. I heard my name being called looked up to see Mr. Kim calling my name then he said “ are all your things packed?” I shook my head saying no he nodded then said “ Namjoon will help you after dinner “ then I said “ its fine I’ll do it myself” I tried to protest then he said “ it’ll be done faster” I had nothing else to say.

I was done with my food so I got up Jin got up next I put my plate in the sink and went up to my room and namjoon followed me. I just needed help with the box in the attic.

I went to the attic and said “ I just need help with the box can you carry it to my room please” I said and namjoon nodded he lifted the box like it was nothing dammn he is strong well he went out of the attic I followed him he entered the room to be greeted by the kitten he was shocked he put down the box on the floor and looked at me and then at the kitten and asked “does Ms park know about the kitten” I shook my head he nodded and left the room hopefully he doesn’t tell anyone.

Namjoon pov

During dinner dad asked y/n is she was done packing she shook her head saying no then dad said “ namjoon will help you” I didn’t have an option y/n tried protesting that did not wor I dint mind helping her honestly. After a few minutes y/n got up and wen to the kitchen I  completed my food and followed her she went upstairs to what seems to be an attic. The attic was dust like no one was here in year it was covered in spider webs then she asked me “I just need help with the box can you carry it to my room please” I nodded and picked up the medium sized box it wasn’t heavy for me.

I went towards her room and opened the door I was shocked to see a small kitten wrapped in bandaids looking at me I put the box carefully on the floor and faced her and said “does ms park know about the kitten” she shook her head saying no I sighed and left the room

Y/n pov

After he left I went to the box and opened it I saw a lot of stuff toys I remember them but I don’t need them now under the stuff toys was a picture of my biological dad tears fell down from my eyes befor I knew it I was crying, after sometime I stopped crying and pulled my self together there was more in the box there was a letter that said

To my dear daughter y/n

I decided to read it later, I looked in the box there was a small box inside I opened it and there were glasses and rings not any glasses and rings they were my dads the one he is wearing in the picture I caressed it I looked in the box once again and saw polaroid pictures of the moon in every phase it was beautiful dad enjoyed photography. There was  two things left in the one was a polaroid camera and a digital came I was confused.

I didn’t have time to think because mom came I the room and told me to hurry up I was pissed I got up and put my clothes in a duffel bag I didn’t even have many clothes and the thing I found in the box I even put the kittens food and one of my blades and my pills I thought that was it but when I looked under the bed I saw my PS4 I decided to put that too and the last thing I put in was the kitten the kept some of the zip open so he could breath

I looke at my room for the last time sighed and went downstairs to be met by seven brothers Seokjin asked me “ is that all your stuff” I nodded then he nodded and went to the door and all of them followed him I followed them there was a big car waiting outside every one went in I was the last one to enter Taehyung was driving Hoseok was in the passenger seat I was sitting next to Yoongi.

The car started moving I checked my bag to see if the kitten was okay he seemed to be alright I opened the zip  a little more for him to breath properly I was petting him not knowing about the pair of eyes on me.

We reached there in about twenty minutes every one got out even I did we went inside the mansion everyone went to their rooms then Seokjin said “Hoseok will show you your room” I nodded and looked at Hoseok he told me to follow him and I did he took me upstairs and showed me the room then he said “Yoongi Hyung’s room Is on you right side and Jungkook is on your left and Namjoon is across yours”  saying that he was about to lever then I said “thank you for yesterday” and slightly bowed down he looked art me and said it’s okay.

After he left I went in my new room it was much bigger than my old one I put my bag down and opened the zip the kitten jumped out and started sniffing around getting used to the new environment I remembered I that I have school tomorrow and I knew I can’t get used to new environments quick so I decided to take my sleeping pills I had two of them and went to sleep not caring about anything

To be continued

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