Chapter 37- Drunk

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Hey! It's been a while. 

but back to the story!


I went to the kitchen counter finding a cool full glass of water I couldn't control myself and I gulped it all in one go, after I chugged it I realized the horrible taste it isn't water, I don't know what it was poison maybe, but it is not water, shit it tasted horrible, maybe it was something harmless. As I thought about it, my vision got blurry, so this is how I am going to die? I started stumbling it started to get blurry it felt somehow euphoric I started feeling tipsy and that is when it hit me I CHUGGED ALCOHOL!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK


as the alcohol started to kick in, do yun made her way to the living room, not in her sober mind

this is how it went

as yun made her way to the living room her brothers were shocked to say the least "wooow this house is soo bigggg damnn" she slurred as she reached the living room "Do yun?" said Namjoon yun looked at him and smiled widely and started waving at him "omg who are you" she said opening her eyes wide to focus on him. They looked at her weirdly "are you okay yun?" Jin asked her while walking towards her, yun too made her way towards him "waaa you look so beautiful" he looked at her and said "oh i know that" he went closer to her "KIM DO YUN DID YOU DRINK LIQUOR?" he shouted as he asked her "oh i would never" she replied slurring getting quite dizzy as she was guided to the sofa to sit the room seems to float around like a boat to her. The Three brothers in the room were shocked it was something they never expected to say the least and that is when yoongi came in storming and said " who the fuck drank my Spirytus vodka from the kitchen counter?" that is when he layed this eyes on yun and the answer was clear she looked drunk droopy eyes constant slurring and not sober behavior.

All the brothers were in the living room while yun didn't know what was happening as she was drunk "okay so let's get this straight yun drank yoongi hyung's vodka from the kitchen counter" taehyung said "yes my Spirytus vodka" yoongi grumbled "and aproximetly how much was it?" asked hoseok "umm around 3 to 4 shots" yoongi replied "and you were planning on drinking that" asked Jin "yes I was" he said "you were gonna drink while working yoongi have you lost it" Jin shouted at him "well yes cause one I have a high alcohol tolerance and dealing with old ass businessmen is hectic plus i never got to drink it so" Jin sighed at him "ill deal with you later we have a bigger problem right now" he said looking at do yun

"hey yun how you feeling?" asked hoseok "I am not fine but who are you i don't know any of you" she said "and where the fuck am I" she continued "first of all language we are older to you" said namjoon "yea yea whatever you kinda look like my brothers well step" they decided to play along "damn really who are your brothers"" asked Jimin "ooo so I've got seven brothers, my bitch of a mother decided to marry a rich dude probably gold digging him, and he has seven sons some of them are nice the others are fine, and the rest just ignore me" she slurred and shrugged the boys were not really surprised of this information

"alright tells us more about them" said Taehyung "oakyyy so let me think hmm" she slurred "soo the oldest one his name is jinie. He looks like him" she squinted and pointed at Jin "he is nice but scary when he is angry, and he is sooo handsome and prettyyy, i like his hugs they feel like appas" it got quite she kinda saddened "oo and he looks like an alpacapa" they laughed at jin while he was glaring at yun. Though his heart did flutter the way he was described by her.

"thennn there is yoongieeeee he looks like a cat a grumpy one kinda like him" he said pointing at yoongi "he is veryyyy grumpyy and looks very scaryy ive always wanted to hug him and pull his cheeks but he looks scary" she said as she pouted "scary looking cat dumpling yoonie" yoongi felt his heart warm up the way she described him, but he was hurt too 'was he really that scary looking?' he thought to himself

the boys made fun of yoongi calling him a cat dumpling but yoongi was scary enough to shoot a glare at them to shut them up they all turned to yun again

"hmm thenn there is hoesuck hyung" she slured prouncing his name wrong "yun its hoseok" hoseok tried to correct her "that's what I said hoesuck" he shighed and gave up "i havnt heard him talk much he ignores me most of the time, but he once gave me his jacket he's charming just intoverted i guess hobi is cute" the boys laughed again "why you laughing" she pouted "cause you called him hobi" jungkook said laughing "hey don't laugh hobi is cute" she defended. heoseok felt touched by the way he was described.

"hobi hoba ooo boba" she said to herself "I want boba" she said while looking at others "no it is quite late you'll get sick" said seokjin "nooooo I want bobaa" she slurred and whined "yun its late I doubt boba shops are open" said namjoon trying to explain Do yun "but I want boba" she whined and pouted "we'll get you some tomorrow" said hoseok trying to help "no I want Boba now" she huffed and tried to look angry, which she failed miserably. The others sighed, knowing this was going nowhere. 

Fine we'll get you boba" said namjoon as he proceeded to call one of his men and tell him to get boba for Do Yun "yay, thank you" she smiled "you're welcome, now continue" said jin "no, I don't wanna" said Do yun "but why" asked jimin "because I want coffee" she said "but we called boba for you" said hoseok, yun shrugged and said "but I feel like drinking coffee" they all looked at her in disbelief but nonetheless sighed and agreed.

To Be Continued..........................

heyy how are y'all doinn?

i hope you enjoyed this! Ill try to update more frequently. :)

i hope you have an amazing dayy or night!!!

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