Chapter 16 Restaurant (part 2)

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Today i pulled my shit together and updated

Btw happy birthday Jung Hoseok aka j hope aka Hobi aka sunshine aka Hoba

Btw happy birthday Jung Hoseok aka j hope aka Hobi aka sunshine aka Hoba

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Seokjins POV

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Seokjins POV

I excused myself to go to the restroom I left the private room and went interior the restroom I was once doing my business after a few seconds I heard a few wimphers I completed my business I went out and saw y/n she looked at me and went back to cleansing her wound I washed my hands she closed her eyes and took a deep breath I dried my hands and went to her took the wounded right hand in my hand she flinched and opened her eyes I ignored her she tried to pull her hands away however I held it firmly if this wound was not cleaned properly it will get infected I started cleaning it gently after I cleaned it I put the ointment carefully and then wrapped the band-aid around her hand I secured the band-aid left her hand and advised in my normal voice.

 'Change the band-aid once every day and put the identical ointment for attest a week' and began walking towards the door I heard a faint 'thank you' and I noticed her bow down from the nook of my eye I smiled a bit and left the restroom I went back to the private room. I went inside the room Hoeseok asked me why did I take so long I told them what took place it in restroom they just nodded then y/n came in the room the food had arrived we started eating I noticed y/n eating in small bites then I realized that she had an eating disorder that's why. We all eat in peace. After eating we were talking among ourselves, dad and ms park were talking and y/n was using her phone.


after eating, I started using my phone I closed my phone and kept it back in my pocket and started out thinking about what happened in the restroom why was he so gental why dint he shouts at me or mock me I did not know what to think about him, I zoned out and lost track of time I came back to reality when my right hand started paining then remembered that I had some painkillers in my back pocket I removed one of them swallowed one of them then drank some water nobody seemed to notice or so that is what I thought then I noticed seven pairs of eyes on me,

 I did not know what to do, so I simply looked away it was 10 pm I wanted to go home then mother and Mr Kim excused themselves to go somewhere I did not want to be on my own with these demons except one, but again she wouldn't listen to me, so I saw no point in arguing with a donkey, so they left, and I was left alone with them. I decided that I will sleep, I put my head on the table and dozed of probably the impact of the painkillers.

Maknes POV

Dad and Ms park left the room, leaving y/n and us alone. Well, y/n put her head on the table and dozed off while Yoongi Hyung did the same at lest they have something in common we started talking among ourselves until Jin Hyung got a phone call it was dads he was talking to him the phone finally ended. Then he started talking, 'dad instructed us to leave y/n home' we were about to protest, but we reminded ourselves that we were doing this for dad.


I was napping peacefully when someone started to shake me I wined and lifted my head to see who was disturbing my sleep I opened my eyes and let my eyes alter to the light in the room and noticed Namjoon shaking me then he said 'get up were leaving you home' I nodded still half asleep and annoyed at the fact that I was woken up from my sleep anyways.

I got up and followed them out to the restaurant a car came and stopped in front of us and the doors opened everyone entered the car and started sitting I was the last one to sit I was in between the window and Hoseok he had no emotion on his face anyhow the car started moving I knew the car ride is going to be long my eyelids started to get heavy and all I saw was black.

Hoseoks POV

We entered the car y/n was sitting next to me, I actually dint mind after a few min I felt something heavy on my arm I turned my head and saw y/n drowsing somewhere deep down in my heart I felt terrible for her, she went through a lot, and I am positive a lot extra has happened to her than what was written in her records' folder I will look into that.

 After a few mins, we reached the house where y/n was staying. I looked at everyone all of them had fallen asleep I tried shaking her she did not get up I shook her vigorously well she got up still half of asleep the door to the car opened she got out of the car I too got out she was not in the right state of mind we walked towards the door then I asked her 'y/n do you have the key' she nodded and remove the key from her pocket I took it and opened the door she went in and slept on the floor. 

I went in the residence and threw her on my shoulder she is absolutely light and went upstairs the place I think her room is I noticed two doorways I went in the first one, and it has books on the desk and some blades that were covered in blood and some tissues that have been covered in blood I went and put her on the bed carefully and walked close to the desk and saw blades and the tissues that have been covered in blood I took a photo of the blades and the blood covered tissues and left them there and went downstairs closed the door and back in the car others were still sound asleep I informed the driver to take us to the mansion

To Be Continued..........................

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