Chapter 27 Dream

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Do yun's pov

I was in a dark place it was a never ending darkess,I saw a figure walk towards me it was a man he came closer he was my father he touched my face "do yun" he called out to me I hugged him and started crying "appa" I cried harder "where were you I miss you so much why did you leave me" he hugged me back and started caressing my hair "shh baby don't cry like this it pains me I miss you too not a day goes by without thinking about you" he said "you know she married another man she did not even think about me it hurts *sob* it hurts really bad" I said and burried my face into his chest "shhh I know but I am glad she is happy now listen to me my time is almost up I have to go there are better times awaiting alright you'll be fine you'll have seven brothers and a father to take care of you and look out for you please give them a chance" I was shook "no appa you can't leave me please you are my one and only appa I have no one appa please take me with you please don't leave me please" I cried harder "shh everything will get better I promise" he said and started to fade away everything became black again I could hear their laughs I was alone all again.

I woke up with a gasp on the bed my body all sweaty and my face wet with a mixture of tears and sweat, my heart was beating fast I got out of bed and went to the bathroom it I removed my clothes and went for a shower, cold water dripping down my body warm tears started pouring down my face, the voices in my head won't stop I sat down on the floor covering my ears an attempt to stop the voices but it was of no use 'you're such a weakling' 'you're a coward' 'nobody likes you' 'you're a good for nothing human' 'waste of space' 'you're irritating' 'even your own mother left you're 'piece of shit' 'slut' 'useless' 'fat' 'annoying' 'bitch' 'fuck up' 'hoe' 'you should die' the voices kept going I couldn't stop it "STOP please leave me alone" I screamed the voices vanished I started breathing heavily I tied to calm down but couldn't I an in a pain words can describe it hurts bad the the only solution I found was to cut.

I got up and went to the sink and found my blade, I made eight cuts on my left forearm, I felt better after that, I could feel the blood dripping down I stared at the crimson blood looking at it with emotion, I washed the blood of the cuts and disinfected it and bandaged it, I wiped my body with a towel and we out of the bathroom to dresse myself I wore a oversized grey full sleeve hoodie and sweat pants. I dried my hair and went to the bedroom I sat on my bed curling in a ball, I looked at the clock in my room it was 10:30 am I decided to go down stairs and and eat something.

I went down to the kitchen and saw Jin hyung cooking it smelled delicious he noticed me and said

" good morning you're just in time for breakfast the chefs are on a break so I am the one cooking "

then I said " good morning hyung "

he looked at me and said "hey you alright is something bothering you" I shook my head but he didn't seem to believe me he then said " go to the dining room the others are already there" I nodded and left to the dining room the rest of them were there except Yoongi hyung talking I sat in between hoseok hyung and jungkook hyung the dining room went silent,

I felt out of place just then Jin hyung came in with the food and we all ate in silence and the food was delicious and then he questioned " where is yoongi" and then jungkook answered "O hyung is sleeping" and then Jin hyung said "aish that cat" and we continued to eat and then Namjoon hyung asked jungkook "kook did you start the project?" And jungkook hyung answered "no hyung" " you better sart today cause tomorrow you have to submit it" Namjoon hyung said and he nodded and then I remembered fuck I too have a project to do shitttt I completed my Breakfast and thanked Jin hyung and went to my room to see what my project topic is.

I started out with the matter and did my research and write it down roughly and then I realised I don't have the supplies I wanted to smack myself so fucking hard, I realised I had to go to the stationary shop well this is gonna be a pain in the ass, I got ready to go out I took everything i needed and went down stairs and towards the door, I took a second to appreciate the house.

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