Chapter 6 - Information

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Bts pov
We all went to the meeting room. After a few minutes jin hyung came in we asked one of our men to get the information about dad's girlfriend and the daughter
. He gave us the file and left

Information- Park y/m Age- 40 years old D

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Information- Park y/m
Age- 40 years old
D.O.B- 17 January 1981
Works- In Kim coparation as the CEO personal assistant.
Personality- happy, cheerful, Loves cooking
Family- husband dead in a car accident
Children- 1 daughter Park y/n
Criminal record- none
Address- ***************
Moved from USA 2 days ago
Stayed in the USA for 9 years
The end of file

Namjoon- hmmm she seems decent and if dad really put her through tests then she seems very nice

J-hope- yeah I agree

Junkook- ok let's move one to the daughter

They opened your file and started reading it

Information- Park y/n Age- 14 years 10 months D

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Information- Park y/n
Age- 14 years 10 months
D.O.B- 4th September 2006
Works- at Mr. Bean cafe as a cashier
School- Bangdan high school and university
Address- ************
Moved from USA 2 days ago
Stayed in the USA for 9 years
Has been abused by her mother's Boyfriends. bullied in school *******
Has been suspended from school for breaking a boys nose
Personality- always silent, talks only when required, has trust issues
knows how to fight but dose not fight- reson- unknown,
scared of fireworks
Hates- attention, fake people,

Dose not care about anybody

Friends- N/A
Reson- has been back stabbed many times

Likings- to sleep , to read, have alone time

Illness- depressed, anxiety, eating disorder, self harming, and frequent chest pains (her mother dose not know anything about her illnesses)

Boyfriends- N/A
Exe's - 1
Reson of breakup- y/n left because he was abusive posesive and very controlling and he cheated on her. Name of the boy Kai

Relationship with her mother- is very week since the death of the father and y/m dose not pay much attention to her as she was busy working
Criminal records- N/A

The end of file

JK- Hmmm

Jimin- she is interesting

Jin- she is going to our school did anyone see her or meet her??

JK- I did she is the new girl who came the one who bumped into me

Teahyung- so she was the girl you were beating up when I came to find you?

JK- yes she was the girl it was weird she didn't even try to run away and if she knew how to fight then why did she not use it on me?

J-hope- just hope she dose not tell dad about this or you are dead meat

Jin- alright go to your bedroom tomorrow we have school and they are coming so go to bed

Everyone except jin - okay

To be continued............

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