Chapter 18 Shopping?

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I need motivation

TW – Trigger Warning mentions of self harm and blood

Y/n POV 

I got up to the sound of my alarm I groaned, and got out of bed and remembered that today is a school day I groaned a little more and went to my small closet and removed a decent outfit to wear then went in the bathroom and took a quick shower got out and wore my clothes then I looked at myself in the mirror my pale skin dark circles under my eyes and crust ass lips and let out a dry chuckle and muttered a low


I fought the urge to cut but failed miserably, I took the rusted blade out of my drawer cause that's all I have right now. I made a mental note to buy a new blade I pulled up my sleeve and made three cuts and saw the crimson blood flow out it didn't hurt, or I was just used to it, I stared at it for a second then opened the faucet and put my hand underneath the flowing water.

 After a few seconds I closed the faucet and got out my first aid kit and applied the antiseptic cream from preventing the wound to get infected after I did that I wrapped my hand in a band-aid then looked at my right hand and remembered what Seokjin told me the day before

"Change the band-aid once every day and put the same ointment for at lest a week" I removed the band-aid and looked at the wound it was almost healed I opened the ointment provided in my first aid kit it was the same one he put for me, it didn't hurt much as it was almost healed after I applied the ointment then wrapped it in a band-aid.

 The wrapping was a little wonky however I didn't care I brushed my hair and tied it in a pony and went in my room took my bag and put my books according to my schedule and put my phone in my pocket, took a lollipop with me cause why not then went downstairs. I went in the kitchen and made myself a cup of cold coffee and drank it, I wore my shoes and left for school.

 On my way, I opened my lollipop and put it in my mouth and plugged my earphones in my ear and my phone and started playing songs. After about walking for 20 minutes, I reached school there was a car surrounded by girls and a few boys I already knew who they were, so I ignored it and continued walking I went in the school and to my class I went to my locker first and put my books in my first class was math, I took my math book shut my locker and walk towards math class.

6 days left

Time skip (Authors POV)

It was nearly the end of school, y/n was ready togo home, but fate has other plans for her

Authors POV Time Morning

All eight of them were in the dining room seated on the dining table enjoying their breakfast in silence

Until Ji Yong broke the silence saying "there are 6 days left to the marriage we are going shopping all of us that includes my girlfriend and her daughter, and your soon-to-be mother and sister no excuses so Hoseok Namjoon Jimin Taehyung and Jungkook you are going to bring y/n directly from school to the mall we will be there If there is a problem call me and, Jin and Yoongi I want you two to come directly from your company any questions".

 They all shook their heads Ji Yong was done with his breakfast he got up and said "thank you so much for supporting me I know it will be difficult to accept them but always remember I love you all" saying that he left the dining room leaving a warm feeling in the seven boys. After they had breakfast the two elders went to their company, the rest of the five went in groups of two

Car one- Hoseok and NamjoonCar two - Jimin Taehyung and Junkook

The first car went to the other section of the school which is the university, the second car went to school and as they stop in front of the school they were immediately surrounded by students.

Time skip lunch (the best part of school)

y/n POV

it was lunch I went to my locker and put my books in took my phone and earphones and closed my locker and went up to the rooftop closed the door and sat there listening to music it was relaxing until I was bought back to reality by a hand on my shoulder which made me flinch I turned my head around to see ...................

BTS POV except Jin and Yoongi

it was lunch we went to the cafeteria to find y/n, but she wasn't there we checked her classroom she wasn't there either she wasn't in the bathroom the last place to check was the rooftop we climbed the stairs to the rooftop, and we saw her sitting there with earphones in her ears then Namjoon walked toward she and put his hand on her shoulder she flinched before Turing her head and seeing him and us Namjoon removed his hand from her shoulder she then got up and started to walk towards the door Taehyung blocked her way then he stated "listen we just want to talk. For now ". Then Jimin continued "Dad told us to take you to the mall with us for the wedding shopping no excuses wait in the parking area after school we will meet you there" saying that we left the female dumbfounded

y/n POV

I turned my head seeing Namjoon staring into my eyes he removed his hand from my shoulder, I got up thinking what do they want now. Are they here to threaten me about cancelling the wedding or something I began to walk towards the door cause that was the safest option right now, but I was blocked by Taehyung, and he is tall then he said "We just want to talk for now" for now what does that mean then Jimin said "Dad told us to take you to the mall with us for the wedding shopping no excuses wait in the parking area after school we will meet you there" saying that they left. Why does Mr Kim want me to go shopping I don't even like shopping, but they kinda looked frightening, especially Taehyung.

  Suddenly my stomach started hurting I ignored it, just then the bell rang indicating lunch was over I went back to class not thinking much about the unexpected stomach cramp.

To be continued........................                                                                                                                                                      

I hate school :(

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