Chapter 20 Kitten

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Late update i konw I've been kinda busy with life i had exams it sucked and i was also running low on motivation i thought of discontinuing this book and thank you to the people who commented i felt really happy reading those comments it made my lazy ass get up and write the the chapter keep commenting i feel really happy reading em



I got up on my bed feeling drained and tired the cramps hadn’t got any better I tried getting up but my back hurt like hell. I laid back down on the bed thinking about yesterday.

 As much as I hate to say this but it felt good to be taken care of for once the feeling of you being important to someone feels good. But I knew that it was temporary I am not important in anyone’s life they took care of me because they pited me I hate it when someone pites me I felt so weak and pathetic in front of them I couldn’t do anything for myself.

 I tried getting up again and succeeded I got up and went to the bathroom to take a warm shower. When I entered the wash room I notice a familiar jacket it belonged to Hoseok. I made a mental note to return it back him. After the shower I wore my clothes and looked at the time it was 10:03 which means I missed school

I went downstairs to eat something to give me energy the fridge was empty the cabinets were empty there was no food in the house. Then I remembered that I got ramen a few days ago I went up to my room got the ramen and came downstairs. I heated the water in the microwave and poured the water into the cup then I waited for about 5 minutes then added the sauce and mixed it in until it was all combined. I ate up all the ramen disposed the trash and went upstairs and had a painkiller.

 I had to change my pad, so I went in the washroom and saw that only one was left, so I changed it and got ready and took the remaining cash I had and headed out to the pharmacy.


After what happened yesterday we had to cancel the plan of shopping and postponed it to another day. We couldn’t find y

at school today she probably skipped school.


I got out of the house and started to walk towards the pharmacy the weather is pleasant today, no sun gray clouds cold breeze its like the sky was going to cry. I finally reached the pharmacy and bought why I wanted paid and I still had money left.

I was walking back from the pharmacy when I heard a few small whimpers from under the car I bent down to see a small petite kitten. The kitten was wounded with blood coming out of its paw blood on the face the tears coming out of blue eyes. The kitten was a gray ish in colour covered in wounds and dirt. I tried getting the kitten out from under the car the kitten moved back in fear.

I tried again I gave my hand to smell it she put her small little head down and sniffed my hand then I tried picking her up again when dint fight back this time. I went back to the pharmacy and got some wet kitten food and a few creams. I paid at the cash register and headed back home.

When I reached home I saw a box covered in chocolate on it was a sticky note that said. From Mr Kim Get well soon. Weird is what I thought. I went in the house got the weird box inside closed the door and went upstairs. I put the kitten on the bed the kitten loose scared it started sniffing around trying to get familiar with its surroundings still in pain.

I took the kitten to the bathroom it was a male cat. I went near the sink and put him in the side I opened the tap and got the warm ready. I put him inside and started washing it carefully he wasn’t fighting back. After washing him with water I wrapped him in a warm towel and took him on my bed and started treating his wounds.

He had cuts all over his body and on his face was bruised a. I felt bad for him at such a young age he had to go through this I wonder where his family is. After treating him I took a small paper plate and put some of the wet food on it and put it in front of him he sniffed it at first then he started eating it while he was eating I took a small bowl and poured water into it and kept it near him.

Then I sat on my bed and opened my phone there were a few messages from Mr Kim it read


Mr Kim

I hope you are doing fine I was informed about what happens yesterday get well soon and the box of chocolate is from me

And I wanted to inform you that the wedding is on the Thursday which is day after tomorrow. They will be movers will be shifting the your stuff tomorrow so please keep it your things ready. Hope to see you soon


I was angry at Mr Kim why did he not inform me before. The next message was from mother it Said



Be ready Mr Kim and his sons are coming for dinner tonight wear something decent I’ll be home in a while and please behave well


This was enough to ruin my mood I switched off my phone just then the kitten jumped on the bed and came close to me she sniffed me I strted to pet her I could hear her purr it sounded cute after a few minutes he was asleep I felt happy and all my previous anger had disappeared soon I went to sleep too.

To be continued

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