Chapter 31-Attorney Kim

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Author's POV

Do Yun was shook her eyes wide open and her lips apart as Yoongi opened the door. "Do Yun, this is your attorney. Attorney Kim Yoongi" Seokjin introduced "oh" is all that Do Yun could say "well now I'll leave you two it" saying that he left. "Come in and have a seat," said Yoongi as Do Yun entered and took a seat. He took a seat opposite Do Yun.

I've gathered information in the past two days to prove your innocence, but I'd like you to lay out everything in detail. Where did he meet you, for instance? If you're comfortable discussing it, did he tell you anything? It's not under any pressure, hmm.". Yoongi told Do Yun. She looked at him and nodded "Do Yun I am going to need a verbal answer" he said "a-ah okay Hyung" she said.

"Are you comfortable talking to me?" he questioned "yes Hyung so um it was after the math lecture got over I went to my locker to get my literature books for the next lecture and then the boy came and asked me if I could help him find his classroom I asked him his class number it was 107 I never heard of it nor did I have any classes in that classroom so started walking in the hallway trying to find the classroom,"

Do Yun said without making eye contact with yoongi and playing with the hem of her sweater sleeves

"and then we met a dead end a-and then h-he pushed me a-against the wall and s-started k-kissing me," she continued with small tears rolling down her face "Do yun you don't need to continue" she shook her head "you need to know what happened you're helping me," she said "he then s-started leaving h-hickeys on my neck and collar bone I t-tried to push him off b-but he h-held my hands together I tried to s-scream but i-it didn't h-help and h-he told m-me to s-shut u-up and b-bit me harder"

she stopped and took a deep breath and continued

"then h-his other h-hand was roaming a-around my body a-and started going d-down I felt a-awful," there was a 'snap' sound heard in the room it was the pen yoongi was holding which was now in two pieces "continue," he said in a low voice "and then i-i noticed my leg was in between his, and then I kicked him in the balls he then let go of me and I punched him in the face twice and then r-ran to the bathroom after washing my face I went to the rooftop because it was lunch, and I wasn't hungry, and then I met Jungkook Hyung there" yoongi then got up and went to Do Yun and hugged her


Authors note

I've been meaning to change the title of my book, I've got a few in mind, but I can't seem to choose one. I was wondering if y'all could help me.

1. the sister of seven

2. silent blade

3. curse of my past

4. cage the past

5. devils sister

alright, let me know!!! Ill be looking forward to your replies !! If you have another suggestion, let me know!!!


Yoongi's POV

after Do Yun had completed her face was red with small tears rolling down it hurt me seeing her like this I don't know why I got up and went to her and hugged her and caressed her hair "shh it's over now your safe now shh" I caressed her back I pulled away and gave her a tissue, she took the tissue and wiped her nose and face "well this helped me a lot thank you for telling me" I said "ani Hyung thank you for helping me prove my innocence" she said with a smile I chuckled "you know you should smile more" her faced turned red at what I said.

I looked at the time we have two hours until the court trial starts "okay I have a few questions" "Jungkook was the first one to see you after it happened" I asked "yes Hyung" she nodded "okay, so the court trial starts in two hours so go get ready and eat something if you haven't already you'll need the energy" I said waking to my table "and before I forget umm you will be asked questions and if you feel uncomfortable answering them you don't need to alright" I told her

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