Chapter 32- Court Part 1

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Do Yun's pov 

As we neared the court, I grew anxious. Jungkook Hyung then gave me something. It was a mask and a cap. "Wear them. It's for hiding you from the paparazzi. " I nodded and wore the mask which covered half of my face and the hat the other half of, my face even Hyung wore one. 

The car then came to a halt and from the windows, I could see many people were there, some with big cameras, and the door to the car opened. Jungkook Hyung got out first, and then I did, and the cameras flashed. There was a narrow way from the car to the gate of the court and bulky men holding people back. Jungkook Hyung held me close, and we walked together to get to the courthouse. There were a lot of shouting, lights flashing. It was overwhelming. We finally got into the court and saw the others except Yoongi Hyung waiting. We walked towards them. I was still a little shaken up from before.

I felt someone remove my mask and hat. It was Namjoon Hyung "hey are you okay?" he asked "yea just a little shaken up from before" I nodded "alright yoongi is waiting inside for you" Jin hung said pointing to a room which I assume is the courtroom where the trial will be held "oh ok" I walk there and go in and see the room seems to be a normal room, and then I see him the jerk and what seems to be his father.


Authors note

I've been meaning to change the title of my book, I've got a few in mind, but I can't seem to choose one. I was wondering if y'all could help me.

1. the sister of seven

2. silent blade

3. curse of my past

4. cage the past

5. devils sister

alright, let me know!!! I'll be looking forward to your replies !! If you have another suggestion, let me know!!! 


Author's pov

She had heard that the jerk aka lee sung ho's family is a very big, influential business family. No wonder he assaulted her like he had no fear, Do Yun thought. From the corner of her eyes, she saw sung ho and his father coming closer to her. She turned to them with a blank face. Do Yun raised an eyebrow and waited till they speak.

 " You'll pay for what you did to my son ", his father said. He was a middle-aged man in a business suit. He didn't pass Do Yun's vibe check. She looked at the man with a bored expression. " You quite had the nerve to lay your fingers on my son, huh? " 

Do Yun tilted her head. " Then what about the things he did to me? " The man was taken back. Do Yun looked back and shouted. " Hyung! They are bullying me! "

 Yoongi appeared in the view frame with a file. He was wearing his black suit with specs on his nose bridge. Yoongi took a side beside Do yun with his famous blank face. People around them also looked at them because of Do Yun's scream. " Attorney, Kim ? ", Lee said in a surprised tone. Yoongi poked his inner cheeks with his tongue and glared at the old man. " Mr. Lee, I'd advise you to refrain from talking to my sister because I might add it to the account"

 Yoongi was the most famous attorney in the industry. He owns his own law firm and a lot of lawyers work under his company. Yoongi rarely takes cases into his hands, letting other attorneys in his company do the job, but when he touches a case, that would be a direct threat to the other party. He is a beautiful mystery in the industry. Yoongi didn't like to waste his precious words on this old man. 

He took Do Yun by her wrist and started walking toward the courtroom. " Do Yun, don't speak to them without me being around until we finish this trial. Alright? " That's why I called you ", Do Yun had a slight pout. Yoongi sighed and messed up her hair. " Good, and I know you don't like to be here, sugar. Don't worry. This will end soon" "And look who is here ", Yoongi pointed at the people who entered the courtroom. Jungkook and the others were sitting inside the courtroom to support her and also as a witness. When Jungkook and the others saw her, they smiled gently as an encouragement. And the trial began.

The Judge came and sat down, and both sides had to take an oath the oath consisted of "I swear that I will speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth according to my own conscience and if there is any falsehood in my statement, I shall be punished for perjury." 

And the trial had officially begun 

the first side to go was the lee family they started with their story "my lord my client here asked Kim Do Yun here for help in giving him his class as he could not find it on his own and in return she took him to a dead end and kick him in his pelvis area and punched him twice" 

"hmm attorney Kim go ahead"

"my client here was sexually assaulted by lee Sung-ho as he asked her and as a sense of self-defense she had to use violence to save herself "

"do you have proof"

"as a matter of fact, I do, and I'd like to call lee Sung-ho to testify"

"permission granted"

Sung-ho then entered the witness box

"Mr lee, I'd like to ask you which class number were you searching for?"

"Umm, it was class number 107"

"well, that's weird because in the middle school section there are only classrooms to 100"

"how do you know that?" the lee family lawyer spoke up

"to prove I am right, I'd like to call the chairman of bangdan high school who is familiar with the construction of the school, Kim seokjin"

To Be Continued.....................



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