Chapter 12 Talk

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Y/n pov

I got up feeling like shit I wish I could forget all that happened yesterday sadly I woke up from my bed brushed my teeth and went downstairs to make myself a cup of coffee well the house was empty as I expected made myself some coffee went back upstairs to my room took a warm bath dried myself wore clothes changed my bandage. and opened my book to start studying I would rather self-study. I started to study for an upcoming test. It had been about 2 hours since I started studying I decided to take a small 10 min. I started to think about what happened yesterday it was a mess my had was still hurting like hell but I have done worse than I started to think did it matter what she does it should not it never did I mean Mr. Kim is fine not that I care but those seven spawns of satans hell no but again it's her life I don't want to control it she can do whatever she likes I don't care. That is when I realized my 10 min break was over and I started studying again. After about forty mins I heard the door downstairs open I knew it was my mom so I got up and lock the door of my room I do not want to deal with her but I could not keep running away from it right and I started studying again.

After a few mins, I heard a knock on the door I knew who was I got up unopened the door there stood my mother

Mother- y/n lets talk (low tone)

I already knew what this was about

I nodded we went to the living room and she sat on the sofa I sat on the opposite side so we were now facing to face.

Mother- I am sorry for what happened last night. If you don't want this if you are not happy with this relation I will end this relation but can't you see me happy?

y/n- listen I do not care about what you do whatever you want to do just don't try to get involved with my life and one more thing I do not accept Mr. Kim as my stepfather or his sons as my family so don't force them to accept me cause I know I won't accept them.

Saying this I left the living room and went back to my room locked it went to the bathroom locked it and opened my drawer where I keep my blade and knife

I moved the shirt which was on my shoulder and started cutting

1 for not being good enough

1 for having a crappy life

1 for being a disappointment

1 for being a failure

1 for being myself

I started crying thinking about all the things that happened in my life getting all those flashbacks of those people who touched me I couldn't breathe I was having a panic attack my and before I knew it I blacked out.

To be continued ..........................................................................................

Don't be a silent reader:)

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