Chapter 13

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I started crying thinking about all the things that happened in my life getting all those flashbacks from those people who touched me I couldn't breathe I was having a panic attack my and before I knew it I blacked out.

At the kims mansion

Author's pov

It was 11 in the morning everyone was awake all of the Kims were home except Kim Ji Yong (Mr. Kim) he had gone out for some work. The seven brothers gathered in the dining room for breakfast the eldest aka Kim seokjin told them that they will discuss what happened yesterday in their meeting room after breakfast they all agreed to it some of them were thinking about it during breakfast rest of them just focused on eating.

Breakfast was done in about 20 mins the makne line was teasing each other while the others were busy with their work. When they all were free they went to their meeting room which was located on the east side of the mansion. They go into the meeting room and lock the doors and told them all maids and butlers not to disturb them no one was in the room except the seven of them and the room was soundproof so no one could hear them from the outside so what happens in the room stays in the room.

Third-person view

All the seven brothers started discussing last night Jin and Namjoon told them what happened last night and what they saw and even the fact that they hired a spy behind y/n there was no news from the spy yet. All of them had mixed opinions about y/n but all of them wanted to stop the marriage not all most of them all of them were okay with their father being married cause he has been happier since he met Ms. park but the problem was not her it was her daughter. They thought that she is like every girl they ever met slutty golddiggers who were only attracted to their money and looks

Yahh Yoongi this is no place to sleep said Jin while the maknes were bickering among themselves and Hoseok was annoying Namjoon and Jin was trying to get their attention Jin had enough and took out his gun and aimed it towards the ceiling and shot. the whole room became silent. After that Jin broke the silence and asked the other for ideas to stop the marriage then Taehyung spoke up 'we don't need to stop the wedding y/n is against it and I am pretty sure she doesn't want it either' everyone agreed to this but some of them were still a little skeptical them Jungkook spoke up 'what if the marriage still happens well we all know how dad will get whatever he wants no matter what everyone was in deep thought until Jimin broke the silence  'well then we will welcome her to hell' and smirked and in the same moment the phone rang it was the spy that was spying on y/n.

Author's pov

As soon as y/n left the living room leaving Ms. park dumbfounded she knew something was wrong but did not pay much attention to it and called Mr. Kim

 And told him whatever y/n told her he listened to Ms. park and came to a conclusion to talk to y/n or even meet her. He ended the call with Ms. park

Mr. Kim was happy yet sad it is great news that y/n accepted them but still sad that she dint completely accept him or his sons but he knew gaining her trust could take a long time. so Mr. Kim decided to meet his soon-to-be daughter he knew she won't be thrilled to see him he knew what happened to her in the past and is the only one who knew this no one else. he told one of his men to find y/ns number. After about 10 minutes he got her number he tried to call her but she did not pick up he thought she was busy so he left a text message. After about an hour, he checked his phone to see if she had seen it or replied, but there was no answer. He started to get a bad feeling about this and made up his mind to visit Ms. parks house after a meeting.

y/ns house

y/ns pov

I woke up yet again feeling like trash on the bathroom floor my shoulder was hurting like hell well not as bad as those flashbacks I got up went out of the bathroom took a painkiller and changed my clothes not in the mood to shower I treated my wounds on my shoulder and my luck I was out of sleeping pills band-aids and I was going to run out of painkillers real soon so I got up I had some money saved took that and went out of the room well to my luck mother was not there I went out of the house not forgetting to take the spare key I walked to my nearest drugstore/pharmacy it was about 5 minutes away I had a feeling of being followed but I brushed it off I went inside and told the pharmacist to give me a box of sleeping pills he asked me to give him a prescription I showed him an old one he didn't even bother to check the date. I asked him to give me 2 boxes of painkillers and 3 boxes of band-aids he packed all of that for me and I paid him and left the shop. I could feel someone's eyes on me but I shrugged it off. on the way came to an open convenience store I had some money left so I decided to go inside. I went in and decided to get a lollipop, gummies, some gum, and 3 bottles of banana milk and took one cup of instant ramen. I went to the cash register the lady ring them up and packed all the items and gave me the bill I paid the amount took the bag and headed home I was feeling a little happy that was until I reached home and saw what was waiting for me

To be continued ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

hey people here is a long chapter anyways I had a few questions 

1) do you want y/n to call her soon-to-be brothers Oppa, Hyung, or just by their name or something else?

2) do you want me to add photos of outfits and the mansion or not 

3)do you people want an introduction chapter (of all the characters) 

4) how are you  liking the story so far and do you have any questions 

answer these questions 

stay safe and take care peace 

bye    :)

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