Chapter 10 Dinner

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Y/n pov

I was minding my own bissness until a maid came and told mr Kim that dinner is ready. We all stood up and followed him to the dining room mr kim sat mom sat next to mr kim I was going to sit next to her but Junkook came and sat next to her I have no other choice but to sit in between Junkook and Hoseok not the best thing but I did not have a choice do I? no

Athours pov

(A little visual setting)

                    Y/N'S MOTHER         JK             Y/N               HOSEOK


MR-KIM                                                                                                   NAMJOON


                     SEOKJIN            YOONGI        TEAHYUNG                JIMIN

Y/N pov

Great lord I am surrounded by demons I can feel glares from all over the table why did I have do be here I cant even eat well the maids came and put the food on the table everyone started eating the food looked really good but I knew what would happen if I ate I am gonna puke it all out but still little wont hurt right? Well I lost my appitite after Junkook kcked me from under the table I was pissed but I still took a little food on the plate and started eating I knew I was gonna puke it all out so I started taking small bites and playing with my food well that did not go unnoticed by mr kim.

Mr kim- y/n what happened is the food not good I can tell the maids to make something eles if you want

Well I replied- 'y/n- no the food is good I am just not hungry' well he just hummed

Well I thought the the conversation was over well no

Mr kim – well y/n how is school

y/n- its good

mr kim – well have you meet my sons in school I heard you go to the same school as them

great what am I supposed to say that you sons are bullies and one of them beat me up I could fell them glaring at me but imma play it safe

y/n- no mr kim I haven't met you sons before as I joined school two days ago

well thank god I was able to come up with an excuse and then mother started talking to mr kim rest were silent or talking among themselves until I felt an urge to go to puke so quickly asked mr kim where the bathroom was he told one of the maid to let me there I stood up and followed the maid she led me to the bathroom I went in closed the door went to the toilet and puked I was felling like shit my stomach was hurting like hell I close my eyes and sat down and relaxed

authors pov

y/n had left and did not come back well mr kim noticed that and and asked one of the maids to check on her she nodded and left the maid came back and told that she was still in the bathroom he just nodded

y/n pov

well I was felling like shit but still I got up washed my face fixed my hair gurgled my mouth cause it stinkted washed my face and did not for get to flush the my puke wiped my hands and face with a towel and pretended like nothing ever happened I had some extra painkillers in my pocket I took them and went back to the dining room and sat back to my place I was felling sick looking at food everyone was still not done I drank some water. Then mr kim and mother told that they had an announcement to make well I started to imagine the worst I can. Then what mother and mr kim said made me a little shocked cause i was already imagining the worst

y/n's mother and mr kim- WE ARE GETTING MARRIED

everybody was a little shocked it was not only me but I quickly put an emotionless face and the dining room was quite for at least 20 seconds. i was angry I tried to contain it first she did not tell me she was dating second person she is dating has seven sons more like satans spawns and all of them hate me. I tried to tell my self it is alrigth I she doesn't need me she is happy with her new family she is happy without me that it is okay. Well i did not realize I was gripping on to the glass so tight well the next thing she asked me made my loss it well I still tried hard to contain and I succeeded

y/n's mother- y/n do you accept this marriage

I was angry as fuck well I calmed my self and told her

y/n-can we go home and talk

I said trying not to make a seen here but me had to butt in and then

To be continued............................... 


Don't be a silent reader:)

give me some ides if you was to. fell free to comment and and if you have any questions leave them in the comments. and don't for get to vote. BE SAFE


if you like it be sure to vote and comment your motivation really helps me. PS request are still open. Take care

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