Chapter 31- Morning

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Do Yun's pov

 I felt licks on my face. The sight of mochi staring at me right in the eye startled me awake, and I was startled back to reality. His head tilted I got up and let out a sigh. "Fuck, that scared me." I looked at my phone to check the time. Since it was pretty early, I lay down, hoping to get some sleep. Well, let's just say that didn't work because Mochi was in a playful mood and was jumping on me, so I held him to my face and said, "Yah let me sleep," as I whineyed and cried. As he meowed at me, he seemed to understand what I was saying. Honestly, I don't blame him for what he did. I put him back down and went to fill up his food bowl. Well, that'll keep him occupied for a while.

 I laid back down, thinking about how today was going to go. I sighed, opening my phone. It was 8:00 am. I got up and made my bed and I looked around me, the room it was. A mess of books scattered on the table, and clothes on the floor. It was a mess. I sighed again and cleaned up. I put the dirty clothes in the laundry basket in the washroom and organized my books, and cleaned up the table. It looked way better. I sat down, not feeling very well, and there was an urge, the urge of puking. It was yesterday's dinner. I ran to the washroom and into the toilet. I puked. after that I felt very lightheaded, I didn't have the energy to get up, and I kinda got used to having not puke for a few days. I decided to take a shower cause I stank. After many tries, I got up, went to the huge empty closet, got something to wear, and went into the shower.

time skip>>>>

I got out of the warm shower it was a very much-needed warm shower it was relaxing. I dried my hair and dressed in my clothes I laid back down not knowing what to do, and my stomach grumbled I sighed for the nth time this morning it really sucks,

 I thought of going downstairs and eating something but did I really want to face anyone no would I eventually have to go down and face them yes so fuck it, I went downstairs and passed the living room no one was there so far so good and then the dining room as I entered it I instantly regretted it cause my so-called step brothers were there well most of them are good the others I don't know we don't talk much 

-______________short note__________

Authors note

I've been meaning to change the title of my book I've got a few in mind, but I can't seem to choose one. I was wondering if y'all could help me.

1. the sister of seven

2. silent blade

3. curse of my past

4. cage the past

5. devils sister

alright let me know!!! ill be looking forward to your replies !! if you have anyothe suggestion let me know!!!


as I was there nobody noticed me so I decided this is the time I can turn back I slowly turned back  as I was about to go I heard something "good morning Do Yun" I stopped in my tracks and sighed before turning back and replying "good morning hyung" it was jin hyung "have a seat its good that your awake we can have breakfast together and go over a few things about today " yea today I nodded and took a seat no everyone was there yet yoongi wasn't there the others were I suppose waiting for him or the food

"hyung where is yoongi hyung," hoseok hyung asked this is the first time I'd heard him speak "he is probably sleeping," jin hyung said   just then a few maids came into the room and started setting the table and there is a lot of food "ah teahyung go and call yoongi" jin hyung said "ani hyung the last time I tried he almost killed me" he whined "aish jimin can you go," he asked "ani the last time he chased me around for an hour" he shook his head and pouted"junkook?" he asked in a bit of hope "ani he threatened to break my ironman if I ever woke him up from his precious sleep again" he then turned to namjoon hyung "hyung he broke my glasses since when I woke him up," he said "seok" he turned to the last person left "hyung he didn't talk to me for 3 weeks," he said jin hyung sighed "yah hyung why don't you wake him up?" hoseok hyung asked "he threw my mario plushy away," he said, damn yoongi hyung must really like his sleep a lot, the dining room went silet and the i look up at everyone and there staring at me "yah why are yall staring at me" i asked creeped out "well you're the only one who never woke him up" junkook said "so your point being?" i asked "you wake him up" taehyung said in the duh tone "well what if i don't wanna?" i asked "you don't have a choice" he answered

 I sighed and got up he was right I didn't have a choice I went back upstairs all rooms had names on whose room it is I found yoongi hyungs and went in the room was kinda messy and there was a lump on the bed covered with a blanket I figured it was him I went closer and removed a part of the blanket with I suppose is supposed to be his head and it was I called out "yoongi hyung wake up" well that didn't do shit so I shook him from his shoulder and called out "yoongi hyung wake up" that didn't do anything either so I shook him harder and shouting "YOONGI HYUNG WAKE UP!!" well that seemed to do the trick cause he woke up with an annoyed and angry face he looked scary cause he was glaring at me "hyung jin hyung is calling you for breakfast" i said really quick he sat up on his bed i took a few steps back "tsk tsk tell him ill be there in sometime" he said with a normal face  i quickly nodded and left the room damn that dude is scary i thought to myself well on the bright side nothing bad happened and so i went back downstairs to the dining room

i entered the living room and Jungkook came running toward me he seemed frantic. he started checking me "yah what did hyung do to you?" he said "did he break your bones?" "or did he perhaps stab you?" he continued not letting me talk "hyung slow down he didn't do anything and he said that he'll be down in some time," I said "ooooh," Junkook said and went back to his place and so did i "are you sure he didn't do anything?" taehyung said "yes," I said " well I am happy you're alive," namjoon hyung said and everybody laughed 

after some time yoongi hyung came down the maids started serving us food I just had a cup of milk I wasn't that hungry either while I was we were having our breakfast jin hyung said "ah Do Yun you'll be meeting the attorney after breakfast he wanted to talk to you and wanted to get your point of view," he said "ok," I said not really wanting to talk about it after I finished the breakfast I was just fidgeting with my fingers was I nervous maybe 

after everyone was done they went to their respective places and I followed jin hyung we went upstairs as we were walking he stopped and turned to me and said "I know you are nervous but this is the finest attorney we have and we'll be sure to get you justice no matter what okay" he put a hand on my shoulder "okay" he patted my back and continued walking 

Hyung stopped in front of a door that said 'Genius Lab' hmm he knocked on the door and the voice inside said "come in"  it sounded quite familiar but when jin hyung opened the door saying I was shook is an understatement 

To be continued..........

Who do you think it is?

Question - whose your bais



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