Chapter 15- Restaurant (part 1)

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Author's POV

It is currently 5 pm on a Saturday

Mr. Kim has invited Ms. Park for dinner and asked to bring y/n as he will be bringing his sons he thought this way y/n and his son will bond, but boy was he wrong. Anyways this is what happened.


It was once 5 pm, I got bored of watching, so I decided to devour on some of the gummies that I bought. I opened the packet and began eating it tasted good it has been long I have had something good in my mouth, well that did now not last long mother got here in my room and told 'y/n get ready we are going out.

I regarded her confused then she instructed 'Mr. Kim has invited us out for dinner wear something decent and come out we're leaving in an hour, I simply nodded. I was not in the mood to face Mr. Kim after what took place today, however, there is no point in arguing with her. An hour was long, so I decided to take a shower but before that, I kept my phone because that will be the supply of my entertainment tonight after keeping it on charge I went and took a bloodless shower because I was in the mood.

 After the shower, I wore a gray baggy full sleeves sweatshirt and black denim after I wore my garments I wrapped my right hand in a bandage and wrapped my self-harm cuts that were on my wrists too. I did not forget to put the spare key and a roll of band-aid some painkillers in my back pocket I never know what happens and took my earphones and shoved them in my other pocket. I dried my hair is short, so it didn't take time for it to get dried, I brushed it and done. I nonetheless had 20 minutes before we leave I put on my socks took my phone and started scrolling through IG well that's how I spent 20 min then I went downstairs the residing room was empty I figured mother was still getting ready anyways I went and myself a bottle of banana milk cause why no longer plus I was thirsty. I wore my shoes and sat on the bench outside and waited for mother to come out.

 Well she came out 10 minutes later she was wearing a dress and heels typical anyway then a driver pulled up in front of our residence and by the car, I could confirm it was Mr. Kim's driver anyway we got in and drove to a fancy restaurant I had my earphones in my ears listing to a song I was looking out the window looking at the streetlights then I realized that Mr. Kim's sons will also be there ughhhh got to deal with them too, I will just probably bypass them and mind my very own business. Then I remembered I left the blades on the desk and through some of the tissues that were covered in blood in the trash, well, no one is going to come into my room. Right?

Author's POV

Kim's mansion

It was 5 pm in Kim's mansion everyone was minding their very own business in the living room till Mr. Kim came out of his office and said 'get prepared we are going out for dinner and I have invited Ms parks and y/n so you better be prepared and no excuses everyone will have to go' after announces this Mr. Kim left from the living room.

 Jungkook broke the silence 'ugh 'then Namjoon talked 'listen here lest doing this for dad I haven't seen him pleased in a long time now pleas for dad hmm' then Hokseok spoke 'Namjoon is right for dad, and perhaps he would possibly change' earning nodded from the others then Jimin broke the science 'then what do we do about y/n?' Taehyung smirked and spoke 'let's welcome her to hell' then Jin spoke up 'let's not do anything about this for now if she minds her business and stays within her limit then we don't do anything about it now let's get ready we are leaving in 15 min' after Jin informed this everyone nodded, however, god knows what is going on inside the makes heads, and they left to go their respective rooms. They got ready and came downstairs, wore their shoes, and left to go to the restaurant.


We reached our destination and sat in our reserved room. We were the first ones to arrive after a few minutes the door to our private room opened and Ms. Park and y/n got here in we acquired up and greeted her she greeted us back with a vibrant smile y/n looked at us with no expression and then bowed.

 We all got seated dad was talking to Mrs park whilst y/n was once using her phone while drinking banana milk we notice she had a band-aid wrapped around her hand and her wrist, so she cuts on her hand then we started speaking amongst ourselves right then the waiter came and began taking our order we ordered our usual the waiter took our order and left.


we reached our destination we went inside the restaurant mother a waiter came up to us and asked us if we had a reservation mom nodded and informed him that Mr. Kim has invited us he nodded and advised us to follow him we observed him he led us a closed room then he opened the door, and we saw Mr. Kim and his sons sitting as they saw us they stood up and greeted us mother smiled and greeted them back I simply bowed after that we took our seats I was sitting in between Seokjin and mother Mr. Kim started talking to mother and BTS were speaking amongst themselves I took out my phone and started scrolling through IG. After a while the waiter came and took our order I did not know what to order, and I was feeling pretty full, however, I still ordered rice and chicken something simple after I ordered the waiter took our orders. After he left, Seokjin excused himself to go to the restroom, I guess. 

After a few minutes my right-hand starter hurting I looked at it began bleeding I had to change it I excused myself to go to the restroom I got up and went to the restroom I asked one of the waiters to supply me the first aid kit he gave it to me, I took the box and went to the restroom it was a mixed-gender restroom I went inside took out the band-aid and threw the blooded one in the trash I am a right-handed person it was hard for me to clean the wound it was stinging like hell then the door to one of the doors of the washroom opened it was Seokjin he came out looked at me washed his hand I tried to ignore him and continued cleaning the wound I stopped for a second closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

 I felt fingers on my right hand I flinched and opened my eyes I saw Seokjin up close he was cleaning the wounds gently I tried to move my hand, but he held it firmly I had no preference but to let him smooth it he cleaned them and put the ointment and wrapped my hand in a bandage then he spoke. 

 'Change the band-aid once every day and put the same ointment for at least a week' he was walking towards the door I muttered a small thank you and bowed down a little he left. I started to put the ointment in the box and discarded all the wipes that were used I cleaned up, returned the first aid box to the waiter again, and thanked him. I went back to the private room the food had arrived I could feel six pairs of eyes on me, I just started eating the food on my plate in small bites.

To be continued.................................

Hey umm it's been long a lot of things happened during this month I got Covid-19  and I couldn't update the story but ill try to update every week or if you want me to update it every day I will 

and I am thinking to change y/n to a proper name, so do you have any suggestions?

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And tomorrow is my birthday not excited just gonna cry and regret being born ✌🏼

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