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This chapter is dedicated to my best friends. I can't imagine my life without them. We can just do the simplistic things like staying in and hanging out, and we'd have fun. What happens in this chapter is a good representation of what we might do. So enjoy!

You know how people say that it’s a great feeling to be in a relationship with your best friend? Obviously, I don’t mean Dani. But it can be hard to find a best friend of the opposite sex. Since moving into the city, I found that best friend in Russell.

We have been going strong for a couple of weeks now, and funnily enough, the guys were right. We were inseparable. Other than work, practice, and games that kept us apart, he was either at my place, or I was at his. Most of the time, I spent it at his place since the dogs were there.

My family had invited us over for dinner the night that Russell was free. I remember how nervous he was when he first met them: it was when he was asking them permission to date me. Now I’m sitting on his bed, watching in amusement, as he figures out what to wear.

“Babe, you’re overthinking this. It’s just dinner,” I tell him as he’s looking for a tie in his closet.

He comes out, holding up two ties. He’s wearing a black button-down and dark jeans, so honestly, it’s going to match either way. I’m just wearing my leggings, a white knit-top that comes down to mid-thigh, and a maroon scarf. It’s just my parent’s house so it doesn’t really matter what I wear.

I roll my eyes. “The blue one,” I point at the one he’s holding on his right.

“Are you sure? Maybe I should just go with the teal one,” he starts to turn back to his closet. I chuckle as I jump off the bed and drag him out of the closet. He has that worried look on his face. I take his head in my hands, pulling him down for a quick kiss. I smile and look up at him.

“Calm down. You’ve met them before, so there’s nothing to be so nervous about.” I walk around him, going to into his closet, picking out his maroon tie. At least with this, he can stress less about it and just think that we’re matching.

He smiles down at me as I put up his collar and do his tie. “I love you.”

I chuckle. “I know. Now head straight so I can get your tie done and we can head out.”

Russell straightens out, but keeps his eye on me as I fix his tie. “Where did you learn how to tie a tie?” he asks me curiously.

“My catering job back in college. I had to wear black ties for formal events. I also had to help some of my coworkers on how to tie their ties.” I finished, smiling in accomplishment. “There! All done!”

He leans down, giving me a quick peck on the lips. “Thank you, baby. You are amazing.”

I smile, holding his hands. “So, let’s go? Don’t want to keep my parents waiting.”

And the nervous boyfriend is back. I drag him out of the house and we drive up north to my parents’. My parents were welcoming and nice the entire time, just chatting casually with Russell. Slowly his nerves went away, but he was still conscious of the things he said. I couldn’t leave his side at all. The poor guy was still afraid to be left alone with my family.

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