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The time I spent with Russell's family was awesome, but it had to end sometime. We flew back to Seattle to spend the New Year with my family.

As a celebration for our first month as a couple, Russell took me out to have dinner at a fancy restaurant. It was just a nice night out, just the two of us, but of course, we couldn't escape the public eye.

My sister hosted the New Year's party at her place, where most of my family was. It was like a mini family reunion. I introduced Russell to every single one of them as my boyfriend. They were all excited and happy at the fact that they could get closely associated with someone on our football team. I left my boyfriend be as I went to talk to other people. It seemed like he was holding his own since the topic that they chose to talk about was his forte. When it was time for the countdown, I went and stood next to him. When everyone cheered, he leaned down, kissing me sweetly on my lips. My first New Year's kiss.

Weeks have passed, and I'm back to my internship and studies while Russell is back on the football grind. We've settled into a comfortable schedule. Weekdays, we'd spend at my place, weekends at his. Dani has been very distracted lately since New Year's ever since she came back from her parent's place. I also haven't seen Mike around lately. I haven't had the time to just stop and talk to her, and I'm beginning to feel concerned for my best friend.

I come back early from my internship, and I walk into our apartment with Dani sprawled out on our couch, face down, listening to depressing music. I drop my bag and keys on the table and rush to her.

"Dani, hey," I shake her gently. I turn down the volume as she turns her head towards me. Her eyes are bloodshot, as if she was crying. I move her hair out of her face as she closes her eyes, trying to get herself not to cry again.

"What's wrong?" I demand. It takes a lot for her to get like this, and something bad must have happened.

"Mike," she gets out slowly. She sits up, wiping the tears away from her eyes.

I feel my eyes get hard and my protective-mode come on in high gear. "What did that asshole do?"

I give her a moment to calm down. "He lied to me, Mel. Remember back in October when he went back to Cali to finish up some important business? Well it turns out that he fucking didn't do just that." She let out a shaky breath. "Apparently the important business that he had to finish doing was his damn ex-girlfriend!"

I sat there shocked for a moment, then went to sit next to her, pulling her into a hug. I thought Mike of all people was different. That's why I approved of him dating my best friend. Dani deserves nothing but love and respect. I know exactly how she feels, knowing that someone you love slept with their ex. It hurts like a bitch and it's unforgivable. Any respect I had for Mike is all gone.

"How did you find out?" I ask her.

"I was with him during Christmas, and while he was showering, someone called his phone. It was a Cali number, and thinking it was his family or something, I answered. You could only imagine my surprise when I hear a woman's voice. When she asked who I was, I told her it was his girlfriend. She then went on saying that I was a dumb, stupid girl falling for a liar and a cheater. I lost it and yelled at her, then she said she was pregnant with his baby. I told her it was impossible, but then she said it wasn't and she was about a month pregnant."

That fucking asshole. I let Dani ramble on, knowing she's been keeping this to herself for a while now. I've been so wrapped up in my own world with Russell that I failed to realize that my best friend was hurting, and I knew something was going on with her.

"I confronted him, and he kept denying it. It bothered me so much, that I had to dig into it. I looked up the girl, and it turned out that she was his ex. I called up some of his friends back in Cali, and they confirmed that Mike did see her while he was there," Dani started to sound worked up, so I tried calming her down. "I confronted him one last time, laying down all the facts that I found in front of him. He finally admitted to it, and said that he was sorry. Ugh! I was so pissed off! I gave him so many chances to let him admit the truth, but he didn't, until I found out for myself. So I broke it off with him, telling him I never wanted to see him again. He's going back to Cali tonight."

Not A Bad Thing (A Russell Wilson Story)Where stories live. Discover now