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What, what? Double Update? First time in a while that I was actually on a roll when I was writing. And since most of my stress has disappeared, I found the time to write. I was inspired haha! It's short, but I hope you liked!

Russell POV

As I board the plane, I can't help but think back to how Melissa was before I left her place this morning. It just brings a smile to my face.

I woke up early to get ready to leave, and obviously, she was still dead asleep. When I get out of the bathroom, all changed and ready, I go and sit next to her and lean down to kiss her forehead before I leave. All of a sudden, her arms wrap around my neck, pulling me down.

"Uh, baby?" I chuckle as I try to pull myself free. She just groans and holds on to me tighter. For someone who isn't a morning person and isn't fully awake, she sure is strong. I kiss her forehead, her temple, her cheeks and the corner of her mouth to see if she will loosen her hold. I feel her smile under my lips, and she turns towards me.

"What time is it?" She asks me in her cute, morning voice. Her eyes still aren't open.

"It's a quarter to seven. Go back to sleep beautiful. I need to head out soon," I smile down at her.

She slowly opens those gorgeous brown eyes of hers, and looks at me. Then all of a sudden, she starts pouting. Now what? I give her a puzzled look.

"I wish you didn't have to go and you'd come back to bed." I quietly laugh at her adorableness.

I push some of her stray hairs away from her face. "I wish that I could too, baby. But I have a whole team, and an entire city that wants this championship brought back home. But I promise, when all this is over, I'm all yours."

She pretends to think about, then smiles. "I've missed you. You've stayed for one night in a long while, and now you're leaving again. You haven't even gone and I already miss you."

"I'll call or text every chance I get," I assure her. But she is right, I've missed her too, and we would be apart for another period of time again.

She holds up her arms, pulling me down for a kiss. "Bring home that championship. And when you come back to me, you'll have a surprise waiting," she murmurs against my lips. I groan and I swear, it's the sexiest thing she does when she speaks against my lips.

Mel can be so distracting. When I check the time, it's a little past seven. Reluctantly, I pull away from her and get the rest of my things ready. "I'm going to be late. You are such a terrible influence."

She smirks as she watches me. "Don't know how I've influenced you to be late, but you could have stopped earlier."

I smile as I throw my bag over my shoulder and quickly kiss her goodbye. At her door, I stop and turn to her again, taking in the sight of my beautiful, tousled-haired girl. "I love you."

She gives me the sweetest smile. "I love you more. Good luck babe!"

"What got you all in smiles there, Wilson?!" I look up and see Doug take the seat next to me.

Sherm pops himself into the seat behind us. "I know what's got our brother in happy land. He finally got to spend time with short stuff!"

The other guys who were within hearing range, laughed.

"Yee! That's what we're talkin' 'bout! So what did you two do yesterday? Go out? Watch a movie? Do the deed?" Rob jumped in on the teasing and made everyone laugh harder.

I chuckled, shaking my head in exasperation. These guys can be too much sometimes, but they're family. "No," I denied it all. "We just stayed in and babysat her niece and nephew. Then I stayed overnight."

I discovered something yesterday. I felt something different when I saw her hold Gabe and give him all the attention that a baby needed. And the way she was with Alex too, it was all so maternal. I saw the love that she had for these kids. She told me months ago that if it was possible, she wouldn't want kids. But the way she looked at Gabe, I saw something else. She'd want to have a baby if the time came around.

When I watched her feed Gabe, it was then that I realized, I wanted that. I saw her holding our baby and helping our children when they needed it. I saw her in my future, and I can see her being the mother to my kids. She's the one I wanted to build a family with. I know it hasn't even been a year since we've met, but I swear I feel like I've known that girl my whole life.

Kam's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Knowing our boy here, he won't do anything yet until he gets a ring on short stuff's finger."

The plane erupts in laughter. "Speaking of, when are you thinking of doing so Russ?!" Jermaine yells from the other side of the plane.

I roll my eyes at all of them and put my headphone on, ignoring any more comments they might make. Marriage is a huge step. I've gone down that road and it didn't end well. Melissa is still pretty young, but who am I to say since I was married at that age. I know I told myself that the next girl I date would be the one that I potentially see a future with. And I saw that in Mel.

Call me crazy, but she's it. I'm ready to settle with her for the rest of my life. But I'm going to do this the right way. I'm going to approach it the way I've been approaching our entire relationship. I need to get her family's approval first. I'll wait until she finishes her Master's and gets a full time job at the firm.

As the plane takes flight, I get everything planned out in my head. And hopefully by next year, Miss Melissa Cordova will be Mrs. Melissa Wilson.

It's very short, I know. I was smiling the entire time I wrote it. Precursor to what will come. Bwa ha ha ha! >:)

But anyways... Hope I didn't leave you guys hanging! ;)

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Much love!

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