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Its early morning as we arrive at our destination. I'm half asleep as we walk out of the airport, and it's a good thing that Russell has his arm around me as we pull our luggage through the building. After loading our luggage into a taxi, Russ tells the driver the address of his mom's house. He holds me close the entire ride, letting me get some shut eye.

In what only seemed like a few minutes, I feel myself being gently shaken. Groggily, I look out the window and see that we've stopped in front of a light blue house. I feel a kiss on my temple, then Russell opens the door.

"I'll get our luggage out and come back for you baby. Just stay in here and put your jacket on." He gets out, and brings our luggage to the front door. I see him open the door, put the luggage in, and jog back to me as I zip up my jacket. I felt how cold it was when he opened the car door. He helps me out and pulls me close so that I can get some body warmth from him.

As we walk through the front door, I'm immediately hit by warmth. His mom also comes into view, a big smile on her face.

"Oh, Melissa, my dear! You made it!" I smile as she gives me a big hug. She then goes to hug Russell, kissing him on the cheek. She looks back down at me, a slight frown replacing her smile.

"Russell!" She smacks him on his arm, hard, as she glares at her son.

He rubs the spot where he was hit and looks at his mom incredulously. "Ah! What was that for, Ma?"

"Look at this poor girl. She looks like she hasn't slept in days! What on earth are you doing to her, boy? Depriving her of sleep?" She scolds.

I giggle as I watch Russell squirm.

"Of course not, Ma! She had her internship yesterday and we literally went straight to our flight right after I picked her up. Obviously, she can't sleep comfortably on the plane," he defends himself.

She rolls her eyes and comes putting an arm around me, smiling. "Come on, sweetheart. I'll show you up to the room so you can rest properly for a little bit longer. I hope my boy isn't always this insensitive when it comes to your rest. I know how busy you can get, and a girl needs her beauty rest." I smile at her, then smirk at Russ, who stands at the bottom of the stairs, dumbfounded.

"Well, I can deal with Russell. He lets me sleep, only waking me up when it's time for me to get up," I tell her. She nods, then looks back down where Russell is still standing.

"Russell! What are you doing just standing there, boy? Grab your luggage and come on up here," she orders. He follows, begrudgingly, as if he was a kid again who got into huge trouble.

Mama Wilson leads me to a room on the far end of the hallway. She opens the door and urges me in. I walk in cautiously, taking in the surroundings. Immediately, I know it's my boyfriend's room. I see his medals and pictures on the wall from when he was in high school and in college. There a few pictures of him hanging up, and a bigger one of him when he first wore the Seahawks gear.

I sit on the bed, thanking his mom as she leaves the room. Russell enters right afterwards with both our luggage in tow. He sets them right by his bathroom door, then walks towards me, kneeling in front of me as he starts taking my boots off. I smirk down at him, just as he looks up at me.

"What?" he smiles back up at me.

"Nothing," I giggle. "Your mom makes me laugh."

He rolls his eyes, then pulls the covers on the bed back. I move to lay down and he tucks me in. I still have a ridiculous smile plastered on my face. He catches me watching him the entire time.

"What now, Melissa? What's with that look?"

I try and look defensive and innocent. "Am I not allowed to look at my boyfriend? Well that's rude." I cross my arms and turn away from him, trying to hide my smile.

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