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"And the Seattle Seahawks are headed to the Superbowl once again!"

Fans are screaming, as are Dani and I. I think our voices will be lost after today because of all the cheering and yelling we did. We sat in the section right behind the team. A few fans who were also in the same section couldn't help but recognize me. They asked for pictures and even started some small talk with me.

I watched on as the media surrounded the team and asked questions. I was so happy for them. Doug made a great catch that got us the winning score. My eyes spotted Russell in all the crazy down on the field. He looked ecstatic, glad that he was bringing the team back to the Superbowl once again. He turned away from the cameras, our eyes connecting. His big smile matched mine and he blew a flying kiss my way. The media is going to have a field day with that gesture he just did.

The teams started to head back to the locker rooms and the stadium started to clear out. Dani and I decided to go back to the hotel and wait for everyone there, as well as pack for the flight home. I hate filing out of the stadium, it takes forever. Somehow, I lose Dani in the crowd.

Stepping to a side hallway, I try and call her, but she doesn't answer.

"Lost, sweetheart?"

I jump and turn around. Standing there is Jered. I roll my eyes and turn away from him, ignoring his presence.

"Are you here making sure your boyfriend isn't cheating on you?" He comes closer.

"I know he isn't." This guy must be an idiot thinking otherwise.

His arm drapes casually around my shoulder, pulling me close. I try to pull away, but he has a tight hold on me. "Oh, you poor girl, in denial."

I pull up the picture, shrugging his arm off of me, and shove my phone in his face. "Don't think I'm stupid and don't know what you're trying to do. Quit living in the past Jered, and move on. Russell is not the same guy as he was then."

Jered starts to get angry and tries to snatch my phone away from me. He grabs my upper arm, hard, and gets in my face. "You don't know everything you little bitch. Your boyfriend made my life miserable. Once an asshole, always an asshole."

Becoming defensive, I slap his hand off of my arm, then slap him hard. I turn away and start running from him. By now, the halls have cleared. I hear him behind me, causing me to panic a bit.

"Get back here!" Jered calls out.

My eyes quickly find an exit and I take it quickly. I turn around the corner and bump into someone hard.

"Mel?" I look up and it's Russell. Richard, Doug, Robert, Kam, and Earl are also standing near, looking confused at my state. Dani is there as well, standing next to Kam, looking relieved that I was found.

I think my boyfriend sees the panic in my eyes, because now he becomes defensive.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Where are you, you little slut?!" Jered yells. Everyone looks up while I jump at the sound of his voice and hide behind Russell. Jered comes around the corner, now facing all of us. He takes in the sight in front of him and smirks. "Well, well, well. Long time, no see, Russell."

"Jered," Russell's voice is hard. I'm gripping his arm, holding him back in case he does something. He's not one to get physically violent, but he's told me that he has in the past.

Jered's eyes move to me. "Not going to act so tough now, aren't you? Now since you have your asshole of a boyfriend to defend you, you can be the scared, defenseless little slut."

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