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So it is kind of a filler, but I hope you like!

It's that time of year where stores are filled with teddy bears, chocolates in heart shaped boxes, cards, and flowers. And in years prior, I've always spent it alone, or have a girl's day with friends. It was Single's Awareness month for me, and I envied the sight of couples all lovey-dovey with each other.

But this year, it's totally different. It's my first time ever to be in a relationship on Valentine's Day. It's still more than a week away, but I'm internally panicking. I have no idea what to do, or what to give Russell.

I sit in the dining room, with my textbooks open in front of me, but my mind is elsewhere. Dani is in the kitchen, making a snack and also prepping something up for dinner. She's been feeling better and beginning to move on. It has only been a few weeks, but she's going back to her old self fairly quickly. I'm curious and wonder if it has anything to do with Kam.

After that one night that the guys came and joined our girl's night, they've been checking in on us often. Of course, Russell would be over because of me, but occasionally, one or two of the guys would just drop by to chill for a few hours. And most of the time, it would be Kam.

I keep a close eye on how Dani and Kam interact with each other. Most of the time, it looks totally platonic, but there will be those brief moments where I think they're flirting with one another. Russell has assured me that Kam is a decent guy and being caring and nice is just in his nature.

"Girl," Dani pulls me out of my reverie, setting down a plate of toast with peanut butter and banana. "What's got you all distracted?"

I just shake my head, biting the snack distractedly. "Nothing."

"Mmhmm... right. Nothing my butt!" She sits on the seat across from me. "Tell me."

I put the food down, wiping the crumbs off my shirt and pants. "It's nothing major Dani. I was just thinking."

"About what?" she probes.

I sigh. I can't drag anything out with this girl because she gets impatient easily. "Valentines. I've always been single during this time of year, and now that I'm not, I'm kind of freaking out because I don't know what to do or what to get my boyfriend."

She sits back, looking at me funny. "You do know you're probably just overthinking this, right?"

I nod. "Yea, I know. I mean, what else can you get a guy who claims he's happy and content with everything he has now? Not much."

Dani nods in agreement. Knowing Russell, he'd say that he doesn't want anything. Just being with me and celebrating it in a simplistic way is enough for him. I know it's true, but I want to give him something that expresses my love for him even more.

We're both super busy with our lives, and we always try to make up the time we have every chance we got. I now know that is the deal now since it's play offs to see who is going to the Superbowl, and the Seahawks have a really good chance this year. They're ranking like 3 or 4 in the league.

I sit there, thinking a bit more, then try to get back into my studies. Dani chills across from me, texting on her phone. When I look up from my book, I see a ridiculous smile on her face as she reads a text replies.

"Kam making you smile?" I tease her.

"Yea," she says distractedly. Finally, she realizes what she just said and tries to retract it. "What? No! Uh, I mean, what are you talking about?!"

I laugh at her denial. She flips me off then goes to the kitchen to start with dinner. I go back to studying and also trying to figure out what to get my boyfriend for Valentine's Day. Being the procrastinator I am, and also being a bit distracted, I google 'what to get your boyfriend for valentine's day' to try and get some ideas. It didn't help much, so I try and go back to studying, setting my phone on silent.

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