Chapter 14

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Ashton doesn't come back for Mrs. G's class, or any other after that. We share six classes and he was absent in the first five, which leads me to two conclusions: either he's purposely bunking the classes, or he's still stuck with Cora. None of the conclusions sound assuring.

But relief washes over me when I see him in Mr. Lakers World History class in the last period.

He has his back towards me as I sit in front of him and tap his shoulder.

Ashton turns around and smirks when he sees who is looking for his attention. "Can't resist my charms?"

I roll my eyes. "Why not, they are as irresistible as Marijuana right?"

"I was about to say-"

"That Marijuana is as irresistible as you?"

Ashton winks. "You got me, babe."

My face grimaces."Eww, don't do that. And don't ever call me that."

He rests his elbows on the table and leans closer. "What was that baby?" He asks, making an innocent face.

Innocent, my foot!

"Don't try to distract me from the original topic," I close my eyes and inhale a deep breath and exhale. When I open my eyes, I find Ashton looking at me strangely. "So what happened after you left with Cora?"

Ashton sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Cora forced me not to leave her alone. So I had to stay in the Principal's office with her. And let me tell you, Principal Samantha isn't a big fan of mine."

"I wonder why after you put that prank on her last year," I murmur.

Ashton, like a good boy, chooses to ignore me. "Then her parents came. They talk, and after thousands of threads, Cora admitted that it was real. The porn video. They made it last May, after some college frat party she went with a few others from our school."

My eyes widen. "But I thought the picture of the paper was photoshopped."

Even though I'm not a big fan of her, and heard about her reputation of sleeping around, I refused to believe that the video was real.

"I know, I thought too. But Samantha played the whole video in front of all of us," Ashton shivers. Principal Samantha can be extremely harsh when she wants. 

"It was horrible, I wanted to leave but Cora pleaded to stay with her. I couldn't refuse her request, especially when she could use a friend." I roll my eyes,

It was quick, but Ashton caught me anyway. "I know," he chuckles. "She's a total bitch and deserved it after the things she did in the last three years, but she's my friend too. Well, in a manner of speaking." More like friends with benefits.

"Principal Samantha gave her a week's suspension, mostly to let the rumor die. And her parents grounded her and she can't cheer anymore."

"That's awful," I mumble. I feel sorry for her. A bit guilty too, remembering I was thinking of her downfall just last Friday.

"But she didn't put any charge against your committee for spreading it."

"Committee is the last thing on my mind. Mrs. Roth will take care of it," I tell him. "But I was thinking about the video. What are they going to do about it?"

"The website that uploaded the porn video has been shut down. Cora gave away the list of people who were behind it." He sighs and lays his head down on his desk.

I put a hand on his. It's warm and soft, nothing like I expected it to be. "Tough day?"

"You have no idea," Ashton raises his head a little and looks at me through the locks of his hair. "With being grounded at home and doing all the chores-I just want to get over this year already."

"Me too," I mutter. The bell rings and Mr. Laker walks in. I remove my hand from Ashton's and turn around. Miles comes in just then and sits down beside me.

"Where were you?" I ask as I turn towards the front.

"Helping Grace to prepare the sports column. The first match is next week, remember?" Then look behind us. "And trying to avoid Fellan."

I giggle. "Still thinks he's going to kill you?" I raise a brow. "Though honestly, he's not that bad as we thought."

"He still doesn't even know the true story behind the leaking of that photo." That's true. I haven't told him about it yet. For Mile's sake.

"Attention class," Mr. Laker says. "For this year, I'll be giving you a project on the Second World War," some cheers from the front of the class.


What? I study too and get more than 'B' on every exam, but I don't practically cheer when teachers announce more work to become the whole class's target.

"I didn't know your BFF is in this class too," Miles snickers as he points her out kindly. I watch Natasha beaming at Mr. Laker as he explains our project, like the rest of the folks in the front of the class.


"It'll be in pairs." Cheers come from the back of the class.

What's so fun about pairing with your friends when they probably have fewer brain cells than you? The whole time, not a pin dropping noise leaks from the middle as we stare at the teacher with a bored expression on our face. I know we're smart.

"And I'll choose your partners." This time the whole class groans. "Any objection or attempting to change partners will receive an F in your files. I'll give you ten days to submit it. Remember this assignment will carry 25 percent of your final score. This is your senior year so you won't get to recoup your score next year."

Then he fishes out a paper and calls out our names in groups. He has it all prepared.

"Group 1, Natasha Thompson with Chole Hasty. Sit in the first row of the first column." He'll assign our seats too?

And isn't Chole one of the Pranksters? Natasha's face pales when she sees her partner coming from the back with an annoyed look on her face.

Then he calls the next group. Soon the class fills with the noises of shifting chairs as everyone starts moving to sit with their partner.

"Group 9, Miles Stewards and Ashton Fellan, go to the first column of the third row." Miles freezes as a chuckle leaves my mouth. Time for payback.

Miles glares at me.

"Come on dude," Ashton nudges his shoulder and moves to their assigned seat. Miles follows Ashton shakily.

I become so occupied enjoying Miles's reaction that I almost miss my name.

"Group 14, Owen Roberts and Kiara White. Go to the last column of the fourth row."

"Wait what? Owen is in this class?" I ask aloud. The group sitting in front of me nods.

Everyone watches me pitifully as I move to my assigned seat.

No one, literally no one wants to be paired with Owen Roberts. He barely contributes to group projects.

"Hey partner," Owen appears out of nowhere. I'm surprised he even bothered to join the class today.

"It feels great to finally have a brainy partner," he continues. "You know what to do, right? Oh great, that leaves nothing to do for me."

He collapses on the seat beside me and dozes off.

"And you have to give a presentation on your projects too on the day of submission," Mr. Laker says before retiring on his chair.

I look over at my partner. He moves his head to the side and starts snoring.

I bang my head on the desk and groan. Why is it always me?


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