Chapter 37

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"I hate you all!" Kat yells at us before running out of my room. On the way, she slams the door loudly.

"Kat, please try to understand," Dad calls after her.

I wince when I hear her shutting the door of her room with a loud bang.

"Looks like I messed up," I mutter.

"Don't worry honey," mom says. "I know you're just looking out for her."

Grisbee rolls over on the cushion. At least someone's enjoying being themselves.

I know none of this is her fault. After getting home, I told my parents that I don't wanna go to the party tonight. They let it go without asking me what has happened. But the problem arose when they said that Kat can't go either. She never went to a high school party before, and they don't want her to go alone without my supervision, especially when they'll be giving in an hour for Australia.

Kat started throwing tantrums when we told her about it. And now she hates me for ruining the night for her. It was supposed to be her first high school Halloween party and I messed it up.

And now I feel like a jerk.

"It's not like we don't want her to go because you're not going," Mom continues. "We're all just watching out for her. We don't want anything to happen to her when we aren't here."

"Do you think she'll be mad at me all week for it?"

Mom smiles assuringly. "She'll come around," she says just as her eyes turn brighter.


"I think I know a way to make her feel better," she mutters."Or precisely a person." She gets on her phone and dials a number.

"Mom?" She shushes me to be quiet.

"Yeah Candace, no Kat, and Kiara won't be going too. Miles is going? Oh, don't worry. I'm sure it was just a rumor....hmm. Sure I'll let Kat know."

"Mom," I call her once she ends the line.

She turns to me with a smile on her face. "I was talking with Cadence earlier. She told me Dylan won't be going to the party tonight because he heard some rumors about it."

Dylan won't be going to the party tonight? "What rumors?" I ask mom.

She shrugs. "He didn't specify but none of his friends are going to the party," she says. "Dylan told Miles too but he said they're just some made-up rumors to scare the freshmen," she says. "I kind of agree with Miles. One shouldn't believe in things based on rumors. But I'm relieved that you two won't be going to that pert when your dad and I will be out of the country."

I nod. I mean at least some of the seniors would've heard of them if they were true.

"Anyway," mom says. "So I asked Cadence if Kat can go over to their place to have a movie night or something. She already asked Dylan and he's thrilled to have Kat over. You get it right?" She winks.

I gasp. "Mom, stop trying to play Cupid," I tell her. "They're not kids anymore."

"Chill, I was just joking," she says laughing. "And moreover, Kat won't mind if not partying means she gets to spend the night with Dylan."

I chuckle. That's true. Let's just hope nothing happens when they're alone.

Dylan might be her once upon a time's best friend and they're still on good terms, that doesn't make him less of a douche.

"By the way," mom says before leaving. "Your grandparents said they won't be able to make it here this year. So while I'm gone, you're in charge of the house, Candace will come to check up on you girls every once in a while."

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