Chapter 28

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"What was that in there?" I ask the two boys when we are out of the room.

Ashton and Miles look at each other and grins again. "Bro Code," Miles says and walks ahead of us.

I roll my eyes. I'll never understand boys.

So I don't press them on the matter and fall in step beside Ashton. He keeps typing away on his phone.

"Are you busy later?" I ask Ashton. "Or we can hang out in Miles' or my place."

Ashton smirks. "Missing me already?"

I smack his arm, making Ashton laugh loudly.

"I would've loved to," Ashton says once I stop hitting him. "But my sister has her first-ever dance recital today. I won't dare to miss it."

Who knew he's such a sweet brother.

"When is this recital?" I ask him.

"Three in the afternoon," Ashton replies. "I still have two hours. It's on the outskirts of the town."

"Tell her I wished her luck," I tell him.


"This must be a big day for her."

"You have no idea," Ashton says.  The way he's smiling I know it's more about just the recital. The smile on his face says so.

Ashton has different smiles for everything. One for faking, one for flirting, one for convincing people to do things his way, one for hiding sadness, one for being happy and one for genuinely being happy, like right now.

He has to truly love his sister to smile like that only at the mention of her name. I've never seen this smile on his face before.

Don't ask me how I figure them out. It's not like he's an open book. Or I'm an observant person. I just did.

Ashton is like a thousand pieces puzzle, so mysterious yet not boring.

But there's something that hurt him before. He doesn't have to say it. It's written all over his face whenever he's in deep thought and thinks no one's watching him.

And I want to know what that is.

               *      *      *      *

I hear my parents shouting when I open the front door of our house.

Wait, parents? Dad's home on a Saturday noon?

I can hear the tv going on in the living room as mom shouts, "You think I'm stupid? You're home while the sun's still out."

I look outside the window just to make sure.

"Yes, I can see that," I hear dad saying calmly.

"Don't talk to me in that dismissive tone!"

"Well, then what'd you want me to do?! I thought you're the one who told me to spend some time with my family."

"That's my point! I've only left to beg you to spend the weekends with us! But no! You never listen. Not in the last ten years! What changes now?"

"I have no idea where you're talking about."

"I know you do," mom says. "Just because I let it slip doesn't mean I forgot about it."

"Sure I would like to talk about Monday too," I hear dad say. Wasn't it the same day Ashton and I caught my parents fighting? "Let's talk about that guy you went to drop off."

Wait, what guy is he talking about?

"I told you this before, he's just an old colleague who came to get some important documents from the Dean. He doesn't know many people around so I offered to ride him to the airport. I don't see what's bothering you here."

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