Chapter 12

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Almost instantly, Ashton jumps from the stool and hides behind me, or tries to. I ignore the wimp and look at my wristwatch. It's not even seven-thirty in the evening.

Dad made it home early. But he never comes home before ten. Not on Mondays or Fridays, and especially no on weekends. At least not in the last ten years.

I pinch my wrist. Nope, I'm not dreaming.

"What's that chipmunk doing in my kitchen?" He points at the boy behind me. Ashton tries to hide his body behind me farther. "And why are you all looking at me like that?"

"You are home dad," Kat says.

Dad looks confused. "Of course I am. Isn't this where I live?"

"You're home before ten," mom points out. She sounds almost broken.

Dad rolls his eyes and takes a seat. "The operation was finished early. I thought I'll surprise you guys by coming before dinner, but you know the traffic."

"How did you get in?" Mom asks.

"Spare key." Like old times. But he doesn't say that.

The room falls silent. Mom and Kat seem to forget about Ashton's presence behind me. Hats off to my family for such an amazing first-time expression. I don't turn around to face him. Who knows what he's thinking of our family.

"But you don't seem pleased to see me," dad says.

"It's not like that," I manage to say. "We're just surprised. In a good way. We thought you were feeling sick or something."

"No I'm fine," then he looks at Ashton. "Actually, I was fine until I saw him. Seriously Kiara, isn't one Derek enough for you and the rest of us?"

"Dad! Ashton is just a friend."

"Yes sir," Ashton nods. "I came here to discuss something with Kiara, but then Agnes told me to stay over for dinner."

"Yes I did," mom says and crosses her arms. "Is that a problem now?"

Dad shakes his head and glances at Ashton, his eyebrows furrow. "Ashton, you said?" Ashton warily nods. "As in Ashton Fellan? Son of-"

Ashton rushes. "No sir, I know what you might be thinking, but no, he's my uncle. We-our families are very close you see-" He chuckles nervously.

What was that?

Dad doesn't press him more and glances at us. "Anyway I'm starved, dinner smells good-" He reaches for a plate but mom slaps his hand away. Dad looks annoyed. "Now what was that for?!"

"You were in the hospital the whole day," Mom says.

"Yes, that's where I work. So?"

"So?" Mom glares at him. "So you'll go and shower first before touching anything from the table."

"Okay okay, I'll go and take a shower first," dad sighs dramatically and leaves the kitchen.

"And the rest of us will continue our dinner," she says once he's gone.

"I didn't think your mom had it in her, hats off to her," Ashton mutters.

I smile. "You should see her every morning."

"I won't be surprised. I mean raising a daughter like you-" I cock a brow. "Let's just finish our food before it gets cold. We have a lot to discuss after."

I nod. Bracing myself for whatever's coming next.

Mom waits for dad to come downstairs as the rest of us finish our dinners.

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